puppet file refreshonly

[1] It executes "newaliases" when "/etc/aliases" is updated. refreshonly. this uses puppet's internal fileserver. Install the font on a system. Valid values (true, false). key_val_separator. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters For example, for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7: # subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-satellite-tools-6.2-rpms. source: Specifies the source of file (either puppet or local). This defeats the purpose of using puppet if you still have to do things manually. Of course. I manage my machines at home (and at work) with Puppet, a configuration management tool.Sometimes one of my manifests needs to change a systemd services configuration for example, if the Hence I made use of .ebextensions config files in Elastic Beanstalk to configure multiple IIS websites on each instance. After enabling the repository, install the puppet package: The Print test Page button on the host workstation will not function unless you load the *.ppd file directly. Let us go ahead and put the steps required to configure MySQL replication manually into a Bash script start_mysql_repl.sh. Sometimes applying resources while running puppet changes the system in such a way that you need to re-run puppet to pick up new facts and finish making changes. Explanation. Puppet Agent: This is the daemon that will run on all the servers, which are to be managed using puppet. file { "/boot/grub/menu.lst": mode => "0644", owner => root, group => root, notify => Exec["update-grub"], source => "puppet:///s_virtualcluster/menu.lst"; } exec { source starts with puppet:///. There are separate files for Finally, it sets the file mode and ownership. In case the resource is a directory and the recursion is enabled, puppet will generate a new resource for each file file found, possible leading to an excessive number of resources generated without any control. This manifest checks if the source PEM files have changed or the target stores does not exist. The code for both firewall executable resources contains refreshonly true and subscribe Package['httpd'] attributes. Update: Puppet 6.1 adds support for automatically calling systemctl daemon-reload when required, making the technique described in this post redundant. I use a temporary file to store a private key passphrase. content: Specifies the file content as a string. refreshonly. creates - The file to look for before running the command. Give a name to your puppet and click Generate . Explanation. provider. Puppet provides a number of ways to do this and the simplest is by using the notice function if you want the message to appear on the puppet master or the notify type if you want the message displayed on the client. Multiple entries should be in an array. Default value: true. target: The symlink target for the file resource. Then the package will be installed; Once files are copied and package installed, run the script that will use the config files on the client to apply the necessary settings. Using the Puppet Module. http: URIs, which point to files served by common web servers; The normal form of a puppet: URI is: Note that the script is a quick and dirty way of getting MySQL replication working, but its not the right approach. Roger, From PuppetLabs download site, you can select the version of the Puppet agent for AristaEOS that you require. Whether to display differences when the setting changes. ignore: Omits files matching specified patterns during recursion (Ex: .svn, .git). Note that the script is a quick and dirty way of getting MySQL replication working, but its not the right approach. For all the details, see the Puppet_EOS Quickstart Guide.While this package is basically a fedora package, it also ensures that certain persistent files are stored in Note: This parameter will not create a file, it will simply look for one. Puppet Tweaks selinux httpd module. The exec resources will only refresh themselves when they receive a notification. refreshonly decide whether or not a value should be If the verify_command fails, the Puppet run deletes the configuration file and raises an error, but does not notify the Apache service. Apt. The 'refreshonly' parameter, on the other hand, makes application of the Exec conditional on (and subsequent to) one or more other resources changing, sort of like an 'on update' trigger in a database. puppet resource user puppet resource user root puppet resource package puppet resource service Or to directly modify resources: puppet resource service httpd ensure = running enable = We've explored Puppet's file resource in detail, covering file sources, ownership, permissions, directories, symbolic links, and file trees. It is possible to execute any commands by using exec resource, but it is not recommended because it is critical. In this file, set admin_epoch=0. show_diff. Find changesets by keywords (author, files, the commit message), revision number or hash, or revset expression. QUESTION : Im having a problem with the following Puppet manifest, which is meant This is useful for services like Nagios where a large number of config files can change for one amendment and nothing would be gained from multiple restarts. instead of specifying content, we'll specify source now. # if we should fire the scollector-failure service OnFailure. The exec has refreshonly => true, which allows Puppet to run the command only when some other resource is changed. When THAT file changes, do a chained action which sets the epoch time correctly, and writes out the actual cib.xml file. The documentation for puppet is really good and most of the above is pretty self explanatory. Add it to the exec definition which calls add-apt-repository to make it only run the first time before the file has been created. refreshonly Puppet Building files from fragments with Puppet. Puppet Manifests are files that contain code to define a set of resources and their attributes. This module offers support for iptables and ip6tables. Puppet master will run as a daemon on this master server. In many cases, such commands get only one chance to fire. No matter how far Nix tools evolve sometimes you just need the ease and power of an existing command or script. Specifies the command Puppet uses to verify the configuration file. puppet: URIs, which point to files in modules or Puppet file server mount points. mode: Mode of file. Create a config file with puppet next to the designated config file location, containing only global parameters. Manage a file called cib.xml-puppet instead. So here was my solution, and as inelegant as it is, it pretty much works. The file has a puppet hook which triggers an exec that deletes the final config file if the puppet-created one has changed. Create a GPO. trekytech7 commented: @ferventcoder Encountered another hitch while testing prior to turning puppet management back on in 8 undergrad labs. We've learned how to manage packages by installing specific versions, or the latest version, and how to uninstall packages. This is the exmaples for exec resource. You can start animating the puppet right away! So use this resource for specific case like when it receives events by using the refreshonly parameter. [1] It executes "newaliases" when "/etc/aliases" is updated. So if the password for the user on the system is not exactly Apt. Using puppet server with passenger will require some selinux hacks since puppet will effectively be running as apache. After puppet has installed the client machine, I'd like it to delete this temporary file, so that future logins prompt the user for the password. These messages are written to the log when puppet runs and can also be seen in the output of a debug run. <%# redis and ruby use setproctitle to change the /proc/pid/cmdline which breaks scollector's getLinuxProccesses method in processes_linux.go. The exec has refreshonly => true, which allows Puppet to run the command only when some other resource is changed. PuppetLabs' firewall module introduces the firewall resource, which is used to manage and configure firewall rules from within the Puppet DSL. Valid values: true, false, yes, no # Pull down the main aliases file file { '/etc/aliases': source => 'puppet://server/module/aliases', } # Rebuild the database, but only when the file changes exec { newaliases: path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin'], subscribe => File['/etc/aliases'], refreshonly => true, } While it's possible to search through the clients catalog and state.yaml files for each file you want to check the simplest way is to download and run puppet-ls from GitHub. Start the GitLab runner. Contribute to kbarber/puppet-archive development by creating an account on GitHub. Sure, the "correct" answer is probably to use an ENC or Hiera or Magic Unicorn Dust or some other thing like that, but this puppet module solved the problem well enough for me. After installing the new system and registering your version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, enable the Red Hat Satellite 6 Tools repository. It's worth noting that the title (in this example /tmp/link-to-motd) is the name of the link to create and the file name given in ensure is the file to link to. After playing around with puppet I realized that its inevitable that I will have to write a puppet module. puppet task run os_patching::patch_server --query =" inventory [certname] {facts.os_patching.package_update_count > 0 and facts.clientcert !~ 'puppet'}" Or use the Consoles Task view to run the task against the PQL selection: Add any other parameters you want in the dialog/CLI args, like setting reboot to true, then run the task. That passphrase is used to allow the client machine to load the private key, and clone repositories from github. The ini file Puppet will ensure contains the specified setting. Valid values: true, md5, false. startup. Use a fully qualified command. $oracle_gi_home = '/opt/gi/19.14' $listener_name = 'LISTENER' concat { '/tmp/test/tmp.file': ensure => present, } concat::fragment { 'Add tmp file': target => '/tmp/test/tmp.file', content => 'This is a new test 2', notify => Exec ['Restart listener'], } exec { 'Restart listener': command => "$ {oracle_gi_home}/bin/srvctl status To get started check out this page (there is a good 3-part blog series here as well). [Puppet Users] file resource issue? But this won't work until you have a puppet server running. The basic pattern is you want to manage a file, but want the contents to be very different from node to node. (See the notes on refreshing below.) Place the font in an accessible location (domain readable) Make sure the GPO has the .reg and the font file installing. Export the registry file. Although it may seem slightly counter intuitive at first you create and manage symlinks through the file type. The unless statement below will not But because a dependency failed, Exec ['Y'] will be skipped during this transaction. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. A puppet with the selected style and customizations is created and added to a new scene. The unless statement below If one of these cases apply the manifests creates the key- or truststore. To use the Puppet NGINX module to install NGINX Plus, perform the following steps: Modify the file that controls the repository configuration, adding the certificate and key that enable access the NGINX Plus repository. In this file, set admin_epoch=0. Note Puppet module generate command requires that the module-name takes the format of [username]- [module] to comply with Puppet forge specifications. If you are running a Puppet 4 (2015.x) master, I strongly suggest you get the latest at this point. Puppet Manifests are files that contain code to define a set of resources and their attributes. The following example creates a simple manifest file site.pp under /etc/puppet/manifests directory which will create a testfile under /var/tmp. Here we match on Command instead of Arguments -%>. The command will only run if the file doesnt exist. target: The symlink target for the file resource. The Print test Page button on the host workstation will not function unless you load the *.ppd file directly. You will notice that I ended up using -> and ~>.Those are explained in Language: Relationships and Ordering.From that page: You can create relationships between two resources or groups of resources using the -> and ~> operators.-> (ordering arrow) Causes the resource choco-bot on (GH-ISSUE puppet-chocolatey/60) Upgrade or Re-Install of Chocolatey Fails from Puppet. provider. This script gets put onto everyserver, a class we have which defines our standard build. abusing the HOSTS file so the services hostname resolves to and provide this potted version of the 'beanstalk.config': sources: If you set hasrestart to true, Puppet will use the init script's restart command. You can provide an explicit command for restarting with the restart attribute. If you do neither, the service's stop and start commands will be used. Module description. So use this resource for specific case like when it receives events by using the refreshonly parameter. The exec has an onlyif, unless, or creates attribute, which prevents Puppet from running the command unless some condition is met. Manage a file called cib.xml-puppet instead. Puppet Manifest File Example. For most of the config files we manage via our Puppet setup, we either serve flat files or use templates and dashboard parameters and Facts to dynamically create the config file. In any given case, you should use whichever approach makes sense. Reboot the machine 2-3 times. Perform a docker exec which registers the runner in GitLab. 3. PuppetLabs' firewall module introduces the firewall resource, which is used to manage and configure firewall rules from within the Puppet DSL. So here was my solution, and as inelegant as it is, it pretty much works. # cd /etc/puppet/modules # puppet module generate Live-module. Some have also suggested to install fonts via a packaged .msi Something I also tried which did not work. Puppet should then run two commands only once. The code for both firewall executable resources contains refreshonly true and subscribe Package['httpd'] attributes. This module offers support for iptables and ip6tables. The specific backend to use for this ini_setting resource. hasstatus and hasrestart tells puppet if the init script understand the parameter status and restart; A file can trigger a service restart by adding notify => Class["ssh::service"]; To stop a service use ensure => stopped, This parameter is used only if the verify_config parameter's value is true. Jason McMahan Thu, 31 May 2018 17:23:06 -0700. The structure creation can be done manually or by using Puppet to create boilerplate for the module. Or you can invoke it on a single node from within your node.pp file: node 'host.example.com' {include printers} There is one caveat to this solution. quote_char. The onlyif and unless commands of an exec are used in the process of determining whether the exec is already in sync, therefore they must be run during a noop Puppet run. The /etc/motd.txt file will be replaced with the motd file located in the modules/motd/files/ directory by the file named motd In your data center, servers have either 16 GB or 64 GB of memory. This defeats the purpose of using puppet if you still have to do things manually. This is useful for files like older sysctl.conf files and maybe named.conf files. Puppet Manifests are files that contain code to define a set of resources and their attributes. Command = "dashboard/delayed_job." That sucks. The ini file Puppet will ensure contains the specified setting. If you want a puppet with a different appearance, just open Puppet Maker again, make new selections, then generate a new puppet. This issue may occur from time to time; if the Chocolatey install fails, for some reason or other :(. A resource is any configurable part of a system. Puppet will accumulate multiple notifies over a single run and only refresh the service once. Thanks to Jeremy Barlow, who laid the groundwork for this feature in Puppet Server. force: Force replacement of directories with a link. Explanation. Because Puppet is distribution-agnostic, we can do this on any modern Linux. A resource is any configurable part of a system. Once all of this are done, remove the copied files on client [root@dlp ~]#. Adding the replace property with the value of 'no' (or the uglier 'false') to a file will stop puppet managing its content if the file already exists. If it's not already present the file will be created as per the file types parameters and then left alone - even if its content changes on either the puppet master or client side. Changed means the state of the system, was different then the state described in the manifests so puppet applied a change for an object. The target state is always that the command does not need to be executed. If the package needs to be installed, then config files will be copied from puppet source location, to client. The application we are going to deploy is OSQA [2], an open source stack over-flow-like web application. The exec type provides a simple way to run those commands via puppet (on the puppet client, not the master) and harness them in your modelling, whether as a dependency of another resource, an easy way to accomplish something puppet doesn't yet Module description. Add it to the exec definition which calls add-apt-repository to make it only run the first time before the file has been created. Or you can invoke it on a single node from within your node.pp file: node 'host.example.com' {include printers} There is one caveat to this solution. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Valid values (true, false). You will seldom need to specify this --- Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform. trekytech7 commented: @ferventcoder Encountered another hitch while testing prior to turning puppet management back on in 8 undergrad labs. The code for both firewall executable resources contains refreshonly true and subscribe Package['httpd'] attributes. Puppet Module for archive handling. (See the notes on refreshing below.) The best answers to the question Puppet configuration using augeas fails if combined with notify in the category Server Fault. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters source: Specifies the source of file (either puppet or local). The ini file Puppet will ensure contains the specified setting. If it's not already present the file will be created as per the file types parameters and then left alone - even if its content changes on either the puppet master or client side. However, I even tried adding File B to the require clause and got the exact same results, the service was started because File B sent a notify (as it should) and puppet ignored the failed dependency for File A (as it should not). QUESTION : Im having a problem with the following Puppet manifest, which is meant Good day, I am using the file resource to check if a file has changed or altered on github. Contributors. We start by creating a shell script to compile all of the SELinux .te files in a specific directory. This does not affect settings that already exist in the file, even if they are changed. Puppet Exec wont run on refresh only. A resource is any configurable part of a system. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. choco-bot on (GH-ISSUE puppet-chocolatey/60) Upgrade or Re-Install of Chocolatey Fails from Puppet. This issue may occur from time to time; if the Chocolatey install fails, for some reason or other :(. When THAT file changes, do a chained action which sets the epoch time correctly, and writes out the actual cib.xml file. force: Force replacement of directories with a link. Puppet exec has a creates => somefile action. The puppet-ls script will show all the puppet managed files in the given directory (or the current directory if called without arguments), can be made to check recursively (with -r) or can reverse its behaviour (when passed -i for invert) to show all files that are not yet puppet managed. The state managed by an exec resource represents whether the specified command needs to be executed during the catalog run. the code i am using is file ['/usr/sbin', '/usr/bin'], refreshonly => true, } The problem i have is every puppet run it sees the content as changed. Any zones you are secondary for should be The Puppet software pulls its configuration from code written in a Ruby DSL, which makes Puppet extremely configurable and pluggable. Automatic CRL refresh leverages the the trapperkeeper file system watcher to watch for changes to the CRL file, and loads the updated CRL on change. Puppet exec has a creates => somefile action. While building up complex configs with Puppet you often need to build up one file from many fragments. (See the notes on refreshing below.) environment - Additional environment variables to set for a command. refreshonly: Only run the command if the resource is refreshed due to a notify or subscribe metaparameter; cwd: Sets the working directory. When provided with a modulepath, via command line or config file, puppet apply can effectively mimic the catalog that would be served by puppet master with access to the same modules, although there are some subtle differences. While you are free to craft whatever structure you wish for servers which need to be authoritative for additional zones, what we suggest is that you put the db files for any zones you are master for in /etc/bind (perhaps even in a subdirectory structure depending on complexity), using full pathnames in the named.conf file. Adding the replace property with the value of 'no' (or the uglier 'false') to a file will stop puppet managing its content if the file already exists. The exec has refreshonly => true, which only allows Puppet to run the command when some other resource is changed. Optional. I'll save you from the full travesty of this file (e.g. Fully qualified paths to locally available files (including files on NFS shares or Windows mapped drives). file: URIs, which behave the same as local file paths. hieradata_example.json. docs.puppetlabs.com/puppet/latest/reference/ The command should only be run as a refresh mechanism for when a dependent object is changed. Let us go ahead and put the steps required to configure MySQL replication manually into a Bash script start_mysql_repl.sh. To apply the manifest with Puppet run the following command: sudo puppet apply --modulepath=modules/ -e "include certbox". Let us take a look how to create a simple manifest file and execute the puppet command to apply the configuration to the server. Puppet Master: This machine contains all the configuration for different hosts. The best answers to the question Puppet configuration using augeas fails if combined with notify in the category Server Fault. This is where refreshonly backfires rather terribly. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. cwd - The directory from which to run the command. so we'll demo this later after we have the puppet master running. Explanation. A boolean to indicate whether or not the value associated with the setting should be updated if this resource is only part of a refresh event. The 'unless' and/or 'ifonly' commands must run every time, though. refreshonly Puppet