why did alice kill herself in kindred

I have spent some time with students discussing genre and the way that Octavia Butler blends certain genres and forms. OMG I CANT BELIEVE IT i cant believe that Alice killed herself just not to be with Rufus thats so sad i dont see how Rufus could of been so mean and not willing to give alice her freedom omg thats so sad and wow danas hand in the wall i didnt get at . When Luke and Nigel took Sarah out of the room with them, I feasted on a shapeless sandwich. After a couple of brutal whippings and a day in the cornfields, she . 12 "You want my help, Alice, you watch your mouth!" "Watch yours," she mocked. "Next thing I know, you'll have a bridge for me to buy." From her snarky tone, I could tell Alice didn't believe my reason for a second, but she didn't call me out on it, either. How Does Dana Change In Kindred? They seem to think the same and have the same fiery spirit. The biggest issue, though, is that Sarah seems to have accepted her life as a slave and does not resist in the way Dana thinks she and Alice do. It was due to Alice's failure to identify her all that led to her suicide. Their families were opposed to the marriage because of racist ideas. Dana is a 26-year-old Black woman living in California in 1976. Why does Alice kill herself in Kindred? There she meets her ancestors: a proud black freewoman and a white planter who . 189-239. If you hadn't gone, she might not have . According to the book "Kindred", Dana says "maybe that was why we didn't hate each other. answer choices. It follows a young African-American writer, Dana, who inexplicably finds herself being shunted in time between her Los Angeles, California home in 1976 and a pre-Civil War Maryland plantation. Alice Jackson (Greenwood) Quotes in Kindred Kindred, relating to family and relationships tells the story of Dana through her transporting in time when her ancestors were in the antebellum time period. She thinks Rufus is weak now, waning, and she tries to assert control over him. Why did Margaret weylin slap Dana? Dana is an African-American woman, and her husband, Kevin, is white. We could hurt each other too badly, kill each other too quickly in hatred. Dana begins her story as your average twenty-six year-old woman living in 1976. Alice Greenwood is Dana's long-dead ancestor, but Dana gets a chance to meet her when she travels back in time. -she would walk away from Rufus. . In Octavia Butler's Kindred, Dana's purpose is what is she willing to do to survive as an educated black women. There's nothing you can do to change any of it now." (page 264). The mind, as Alice reveals throughout the novel, is a very different thing. Kindred . Her modern surroundings fade away and suddenly she's in antebellum Maryland. This, along with their families' lack of approval, has caused . What is the purpose of kindred? Q. . Dana is a twenty-six year old African American woman; she is smart, bold, independent, and perspicacious. However, each has been so immersed in the other world that being "home" is more difficult than they anticipated. Dana lives in that time to help herself live in her own time. What are examples of racial tensions when Dana and Kevin announced their marriage. What kind of music did Alice listen to, anyway? 2. *~*~*~* The next day, Theda quietly emerged from her room. Chapter Five, "The Storm," pp. However, each has been so immersed in the other world that being "home" is more difficult than they anticipated. I looked at it, then smiled at her gratefully. This combination of slave memoir, fantasy, and historical fiction is a novel of rich literary complexity. She doesn't make much money and she's used to living in crummy apartments, but that's about as tough as it gets for her. Kindred is prolific sci-fi writer Octavia E. Butler 's best selling novel. Kindred: Summary: Chapter 5. She adjusts to the peculiar situation with an unsteady determination, even through the worst that slavery had to offer to human beings . Alice has come to the same conclusion as Dana did when she slit her wrists: the only real escape from slavery, in the absence of hope, is suicide. " I just looked at him. "Uh, huh," Alice raised an eyebrow. Family members were sold away from their families. She sees Sarah as a "Mammy" figure, and feels morally superior to her. Alice committed suicide when Rufus sent her children to Baltimore and told her he sold them. In Kindred, not only does Alice name her children after biblical survivors of slavery, but the protagonist asserts control by choosing to call herself Dana rather than Edana. Dana and her husband are living in Southern California in 1976. She hangs herself with a rope, outwardly displaying her disgust at the alleged sale of her children. Previous Next Sarah tells Dana that Alice tried to run away and Rufus sold Joe and Hagar, driving Alice half mad with grief. a. Dana, living in the 20th century, has the ability to manifest these traits much more easily. She cannot see herself as a fiery young rebel willing to risk the whippings, dog attacks, and death that running away might entail. Question 1. Her emotions are tempestuous, her fury palpable and her sorrow deep. 189-197. At the opening of the novel, Dana is . -without Rufus, she won't find Kevin. Is . SURVEY. After cutting down Alice's body, Dana finds Sarah in the cookhouse. This also relates to other characters such as Kevin, Alice and Rufus. Meaning of the Title It refers to the various familial connections in the novel including: Dana is the descendent of Rufus and Alice. Many of the characters within Kindred resist classification. This self-inflicted wound serves as an escape from a world in which blacks are treated as chattel and their children sold like livestock. Having just celebrated her 26th birthday in . A Maryland plantation,, 1815 c. A Maryland plantation, 1865 d. A slave ship, 1800. This new "love triangle" proved just as popular as the one Rachel previously found herself in with Steve and Alice. b. What, then, are the purposes of Dana' s travels back to the antebellum South? The rope propels the novel to its final action. Robbed of her freedom and her children, Alice saw no purpose to her life and made the extreme choice to end it for good. She hates Dana's affectionate, respectful relationship with Rufus. It demonstrates the true meaning of courage and grace under extreme conditions, and describes what it means to survive and endure. It was perhaps because of the former that the latter was the case, leaving Clint to seek a rural life on a farm. " 'I don't have a name for the thing that happened to me, but I don't feel safe any more.'. 13 I stared at her in astonishment, remembering, knowing exactly what she had overheard. The way Alice kills herself instead of running away has a number of reasons. Little does she know that Rufus has made up a lie just to put her in line. Plot. However, they didn't. In a final act of resistance, Alice commits suicide to free herself from Rufus's domination. I introduce them to the idea of a slave narrative, having them read an excerpt from Frederick Douglass's narrative. Once Alice is dead, Rufus is no longer willing to honor Dana's limits. Thus names "are crystallizationsconstant remindersof resistance . 17; Dana has just returned from her first time travel and now feels unsafe for the first time in her life.) 16,325 reviews. On the other hand, the scene made me happy because Alice's suicide act was her only way to escape from a man who was sickly in love with her. Dana goes to Rufus and finds him holding a handgun. Genre Discussion & Character Tracking. Stop saying I killed her. The era is dangerous for Dana--she's black and has no enforceable r. Without any warning, Dana Franklin is thrust back through time and space. Click to see full answer. By questioning him, Dana discovers that Rufus a. Kindred: Summary: Chapter 5. At the opening of the novel, Dana is . -Rufus had to behave as though he understood Dana and if he refused, he would get a lot more pain. -this is where she is abused. She watched several children die young, and Rufus bought her and forced. Alice leads a difficult life. agents for years, growing close as the two "non-super-powered" members of the Avengers. This is the final blow for Dana, who realizes, "A slave was a slave. d. She wore pants like a man. Stop saying that! A Maryland plantation, 1976 b. Dana ultimately resolves this conflict by killing her ancestor named Rufus to return to her present time; however, this choice also illustrates . In spite of everything, my life was easier than hers. She wonders if she was sent back to prevent him from killing himself. Rufus pushed Alice into suicide by cutting off all the other options in her life. It is bruised and battered, but she keeps it for herself. Slaves in the 1800s were treated harshly. She had short hair. a. The following quotations are important at various points in the story. She had a deep voice. In fact, Dana realizes with chagrin, "home . He was like a younger brother to me." As I can see in the book, they did not hate each other. Things get a whole lot tougher though when she travels back to 1815 Maryland. "What? As time goes on, though, she comes to see that this is unfair. Margaret Weylin resents Dana for several reasons, most of them motivated by jealousy. Part 1, pp. When Dana travel's back into time it is to ensure the safety of Rufus so Rufus can have child named Hagar who is Dana's Ancestor. In the end, Alice kills herself because she thinks that Rufus has sold her children to a white slave trader. Alice kills herself because she has lost all of her possible identities. Along the way she also meets her other relative, Alice, a slave born free, but enslaved since she helped her husband . c. She was strong like a man. Chapter Five, "The Storm," pp. Even Alice left her alone, so I took my cue from my favorite sister and just quietly observed Theda from my family's minds. Both are smart, independent, wily, and desirous of developing their sense of self. She works at a temp agency to supplement her writing; it is there that she meets Kevin. Back home again, Dana and Kevin try to get reacquainted after their five-year separation. How does the title Kindred tell the story of Dana? (pg. Her suicide is a tragic end to a tragic life, and it's the last straw before Dana grabs a knife and kills Rufus. Luke and Nigel finished their meal and went to the fireplace to say something privately to Sarah. The novel Kindred follows the protagonist, Edana Franklin, who other characters call Dana. -if Dana threatens Rufus, Rufus will threaten Dana. Butler does not condone this choice, but she does present it as an understandable response to the horrible things that Alice has had to endure. Alice consistently attempts to reach her freedom, showing the fiery viewpoint of slaves who were willing to escape slavery at any cost, and she tragically commits suicide when Rufus sells her children as punishment for a failed runaway attempt. In Octavia E. Butler's novel Kindred, Dana battles an external conflict of time traveling to the past, and experiencing what it was like to be a slave. The biggest similar theme i found between "Kindred" and "Othello" is illusion vs. reality. Sarah is doing all she can; this is her form of resistance. Why did Rufus think Dana was a man? In Kindred by Octavia Butler Dana, the main character, is a black women born in 1976, who time travels back to the early 1800's in order to save her relative, Rufus, a white boy who is the son of the owner of the plantation. They both always had to kill or harm each other. They both always had to kill or harm each other. Alice was a woman who was willing to give or do anything for the joy and the freedom of her children. In the comics as well as the films, Hawkeye and Black Widow worked together as S.H.I.E.L.D. 189-197. Dana is a 26-year-old Black woman living in California in 1976. In fact, Dana realizes with chagrin, "home . Dana and her husband are living in Southern California in 1976. (Beacon Press, 1979): 1. (pg. Dana is beginning a new family with Kevin. Everything had its limits, though. It is also still mostly her own, though, and while she can submit her body to Rufus, she will not submit her mind. Why must Dana remind herself that the Weylin plantation isn't "home". It's clear that giving into Rufus has killed something inside Alice. 189-239. Dana and Alice look the same because they are related, but their similarities are important in other ways as well. Then I talk about the genres of neo-slave narratives, as well as . (Beacon Press, 1979): 1. She pointedly ignored me, opting to curl up on the couch with Emmett and Rose for a movie marathon. Rufus, Dana can see, might kill himself now that Alice is gone; the parasite might die now that the host is gone. At that moment, Carrie, the mute, slipped me bread and a chunk of ham. Date Published 1979 . . Though going back in time to the Antebellum south of 1800s provides many . " 'I don't have a name for the thing that happened to me, but I don't feel safe any more.'. Rufus returns and tells her that Alice committed suicide. Eventually, she must kill him to free herself from his obsessive hold. ". Running ceases to exist as an option . Their lives were hard. Alice's father works on a different plantation, and he was beaten for going to . It's 1976 and she's settling into her new California apartment when she starts to feel dizzy. Maybe I tried to make up for that by taking her abuse. 7. How would the story have been different with a third person narrator? In addition, McKible underscored the way in which names can similarly become symbols of resistance. Dana found it hard to get a job when she was married to a white man. 966 Words4 Pages. Alice starts life as a free woman, but gets thrown into slavery after she tries to run away with a fugitive slave named Isaac. Part 1, pp. Why must you, the reader, experience this journey with Dana? Dana is an African-American woman, and her husband, Kevin, is white. The Lemay/Rauch years were such a hit, NBC decided to extend AW to 90 minutes . He was like a younger brother to me." As I can see in the book, they did not hate each other. Alice has hanged herself in the barn, and Rufus's thoughts of suicide after discovering her body pull Dana back to the Weylin plantation. Alice's mind is forever altered. "The Rope" refers to Alice 's suicide. However, Alice is not able to take it anymore, and when he tells her that he sold her children, she hangs herself. Running ceases to exist as an option, because Alice cannot lay claim to any of the identities she would need to embrace in order to flee. The novel Kindred follows the protagonist, Edana Franklin, who other characters call Dana. The first science fiction written by a black woman, Kindred has become a cornerstone of black American literature. 30 seconds. Why Did Alice Kill Herself In Kindred? Octavia Butler's Kindred is a fantastic novel that vividly describes the horrors and legacy of slavery. Climax . We could hurt each other too badly, kill each other too quickly in hatred. ". Sarah tells Dana that Rufus sold Alice's children, Hagar and Joe, and the heartbreak of losing them drove her to suicide. "Why did you leave me! Kindred explores the dynamics and dilemmas of antebellum slavery from the sensibility of a late 20th-century black woman, who is aware of its legacy in contemporary American society. She is sent back to the past to save her ancestor Rufus's life, and has to adjust to life as a slave. 6. Alice no longer has the capability of fleeing, since there is no identity she can claim to. 17; Dana has just returned from her first time travel and now feels unsafe for the first time in her life.) Author Octavia E. Butler . Kindred scholars have noted that the novel's chapter headings suggest something "elemental, apocalyptic, archetypal about the events in the narrative," thus giving the impression that the main characters are participating in matters greater than their personal experiences.. Prologue Dana wakes up in the hospital with her arm amputated. Dana cuts Alice's body down. ""Damn you, Dana! This, along with their families' lack of approval, has caused . How does the title Kindred tell the story of Dana? Alice This character is Rufus' childhood companion and slave Nigel This character is the overseer who whips Dana when she works in the fields Evan Fowler This character gives birth to Joe and Hager Alice "Maybe I'm just like the victim of robbery or rape or something a victim who survives, but who doesn't feel safe anymore" Dana "I could buy you. Police deputies question her about the circumstances . Anything could be done to her" (Butler 1988, 260). In the comics, they did become intimate, whereas, in . The following quotations are important at various points in the story. Rufus toward Dana? 2. Racism Exposed In Octavia E. Butler's Kindred. Once again, Rufus does not accept the responsibility for Alice's death. According to the book "Kindred", Dana says "maybe that was why we didn't hate each other. Back home again, Dana and Kevin try to get reacquainted after their five-year separation. For Dana, self-preservation means more than just surviving. She's going to be telling her story, so it'll be easier for her to see everyone if I move," I hissed so only Alice could hear. She was a mother whose children had become her hope and her motivation to live. Where does Dana travel to? It shows the imprint that America's past history of slavery continues to bear upon its modern present. Kindred is a novel by American writer Octavia E. Butler that incorporates time travel and is modeled on slave narratives. Alice kills herself because she has lost all of her possible identities. However, they didn't.

why did alice kill herself in kindred