esser iii funds allowable uses

6100. The ESSER I Grant Program, part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, provides funds to help LEAs respond to changes in student needs due to Please click HERE to access Indiana's ESSER III Application and HERE to provide feedback on It. ESSER III Funds can be used throughout the LEA, in all schools and in support of all students and staff. ADE has published Evidence-Based Strategies for ESSER Funds; The U.S. Department of Education has released new Frequently Asked Questions guidance regarding allowable uses of ESSER funds and ESSER funds requirements across ESSER I, II and III. 2 CFR 200.343(b), ESSER funds must be liquidated within 90 calendar days after the end of the performance period. Allowable Use of Funds Expenditures for these funds must be necessary and reasonable. In total, Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in Washington will receive over $2.5 billion for expenditures related to COVID-19 response. Its most recent legislation, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 enacted on March 11 th, will funnel an additional $4.5 billion to Ohio school districts.These monies, commonly referred to as ESSER III or ARP ESSER can be applied 313(d)(1)), as an activity to provide principals and other May ESSER funds be used for construction? Alternatively, school districts may couple ESSER III funds with a lease-purchase arrangement under R.C. MISD originally planned to use a portion of ESSER III funds for technology devices used by 1319, provides billions in funding for state and local educational agencies to spend on of allowable expenses included in an approved application back to . This section reads as follows: as authorized under the coronavirus aid, relief, and economic security act (cares act), these funds may be used for any activity authorized by the elementary and secondary education act of 1965 (esea), the individuals with disabilities education act (idea), the adult education and family literacy act, the carl d. perkins careers and technical Regarding ESSER II funds, the U.S. Department of Education Fact Sheet states ESSER II funds may be used for the same allowable purposes as ESSER and ARP ESSER, MISD originally planned to use a portion of ESSER III funds for technology devices used by students. In 2020 and 2021, Congress passed three stimulus bills that provided nearly $190.5 billion to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. Can ESSER funds be used to support vaccination efforts? and in support of. The Department also provided aFAQ outlining allowable use of funds for ESSER and the Governors Emergency Education Relief Fund for coronavirus testing among other Nov 8 2021. Between ESSER I and ESSER III, the funding increased by 10x, and the allowable uses expanded to include learning loss and preparing schools for reopening. ESSER II funds will be used. Use of ARP ESSER III Funds Plan--Phase 1 . 2021-2022 SY. ESSER III, the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund grant program authorized under American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, provides additional money for The expenditure must be an allowable activity under the CARES Act. El Paso Academy. Indiana School District ARP ESSER III Return to Instruction Object Code. B11. While the CRRSA legislation (ESSER II) contains three additional allowable uses. 2023-2024 SY. LEAs that The period of availability for ARP ESSER III grant funds is from March 13, 2020 (with pre-award), to September 30, 2024 (with carryover). Note that section 2001(e) specifically authorizes an LEA to use ARP ESSER funds to develop strategies and implement public health protocols including, to the greatest extent practicable, LEAs must check the box below to indicate if ESSER Funds ESSER Budget Example. LEAs that apply for the funds before June 25, 2021, may expect to receive their first apportionment in August 2021. On March 11, 2021, the President signed into law the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP). This survey is to amend the original ESSER III Use of Funds Plan. May ESSER funds be used for construction? New York State has been allocated nearly $9 billion in ARP Elementary and Secondary School This survey is to amend the original ESSER III Use of Funds Plan. 9:00 am Overview of ARP ESSER III Uses of Funds 9:30 am Meaningful Consultation 9:50 am Part 1: Prevention and Mitigation Strategies Other Allowable Uses ARP ESSER III Uses Allowable Uses of ESSER Funds. Use of ESSER III Funds Plan. Allowable Uses: Planning and implementing activities related to summer learning and supplemental afterschool programs, including providing classroom instruction or online learning during the summer months and addressing the needs oflow-income students, students with disabilities, English learners, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness, and ESSER Funding Source. Payroll* - Construction is authorized under Title VII of the ESEA (Impact Aid) and therefore is an allowable use of ESSER funds under sections The SEA may use up to 0.5% for grant Allowable LEA Uses of ESSER Funds ESSER I and II have general guidance that all grants be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to Further, although ESSER funds are not subject to the Title I, Part A supplanting prohibitions, 16 Authorized Uses for ESSER III Funds AUTHORIZED USES FOR ESSER III FUNDS EXAMPLES 1. Texas received $11.2 billion in ESSER III funds from the Act. B. ESSER I September 30, 2022. Use of Funds - LEA Allowable Activities (continued) Addressing learning loss among LEA students, including low-income students, SWD, English serving as the LEAs plan for the Since FY20 has closed, additional Making sure your district has The LEAs plan for the uses of ARP ESSER III funds will be posted to the LEAs website within 30 days of receiving its ESSER III Notice of Grant Award. The use of ESSER III funding must still the allowable use guidelines in the federal law, but if such spending replaces expenditures that were already planned with local funding, a supplant of funding is allowed. Capital Expenditure Approval Form for ESSER I, II, III. The Act also includes funding broadband ($7b), childcare ($10b), motor bus operators ($2b) some of which can be used for school buses. ESSER III (American Rescue Plan)- This portion of funding provides $123b to states to support K-12 education, $7.2b for the Erate program, and $800m to support wraparound services for children experiencing homelessness. Templates for state plans include similar potential uses as ESSER II, with the addition of strategies to safely reopen schools, an assessment ESSER II Guidance: Use of Funds and Expenditures (3-8-21) - Provides districts with examples of allowable uses of ESSER II funds. The ARP Act includes an additional $122 billion in ESSER III funds, which can be used for the same programs and activities as ESSER I and ESSER II. Nov 8 2021. MEMO 012-21, Attachment D: CRRSA Act ESSER II Fund Allowable Uses of Funds-This is a Word document. Mesquite ISDs entitlement under ESSER lll is $82,318,127. 1. 3313.375 and avoid the need to go to their voters altogether, The ESSER III funds may be used for any allowable expenditure incurred on or after March 13, 2020, and are available for obligation until September 30, 2024. The LEAs plan for the uses of ARP ESSER III funds will be posted to the LEAs website within 30 days of receiving its ESSER III Notice of Grant Award. Dallas ISD is receiving federal stimulus dollars to help offset unexpected costs caused by the pandemic. The intent and purpose of the funding are to sustain the safe operation of schools and address student learning needs due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. ODE will be reviewing and monitoring the plans to ensure compliance with the ESSER III law. The remaining 52 percent ($18,721,790) ARP ESSER funds will be used for allowable activities that are necessary to maintain the operation and continuity of services in the district and that Districts should be aware; TEA has not provided guidance on the use of ESSER II and ESSER III fund. ESSER III, the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund grant program authorized under American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, provides additional money for local educational agencies (LEAs) to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19. The CARES Act (ESSER I) enumerates 12 allowable uses of funds related to preventing, preparing for, and responding to COVID-19. B. ESSER II (CRRSA) - Allocates $54.3b for K-12 education. TASBO will be holding an ESSER I, II, and III Deep Dive on May 27, Are there recommended uses of ESSER III funds that will assist Yes. The following guide is intended for LEAs as they plan for their use and oversight of LEA ARP ESSER funds. Allowable Uses After the 20% Reserve 3. $ 153,000. Funds may be used for allowable ESSER III Application Walk Through. ESSER III: The American Rescue Plan (ARP), passed in March 2021, provided more than $122 billion to the ESSER fund. Funds are provided to SEAs and LEAs to help safely reopen and sustain the same operation of schools and address the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Nations The LEAs plan for the uses of ARP ESSER III funds will be posted to the LEAs website within 30 days of receiving its ESSER III Notice of Grant Award. 6301 et seq. Timeline for Recovery Funds: ESSER I, II & III. ESSER funds can be used to support activities that will increase community and student outreach and Air Purification Systems Yes Devices designed to improve air quality by purifying or sanitizing the air are allowable and pre-approved. California Department of Education USED has stated that these uses would also be allowable under the CARES Act. in December 2020; and ARP ESSER, included in Section 2001 of the American Rescue Plan Act, H.R. Example of allowable uses of ESSER III funds for IDEA activities: Visual Technology for physical cues; Assistive Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Devices that allow access to instruction for students with motor development, hearing, or sight needs; Sanitization of center-based programs; Additional information: Allowable costs for IDEA funds; Questions Yes, ESSER funds can be used on a wide variety of ways to support vaccination efforts. ESSER III FAQ - updated 08/16/2021. Skip header navigation. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) will reserve the allowable 0.5% for agency administration of the all schools . Section 18003(d) of the CARES Act. A) Any activity authorized by the ESEA of 1965 including the Native Hawaiian Education Act and the Alaska Native Educational Equity, Support, and Assistance Act (20 U.S.C. The U.S. Dept. Training and professional development for staff of the LEAs on sanitation and minimizing the This includes incentives for staff for receiving vaccination for COVID-19. This preliminary spending plan was used to apply for the grant funds and was developed with stakeholder In addition, Answers to Frequently Asked Questions ARP ESSER funding ESSER I September 30, 2022. Although the ARP ESSER III uses of funds are similar to those for ESSER I and II, there are important distinctions between ARP ESSER III, ESSER II, and ESSER programs, including the period of funds availability, equitable services to non-public schools, maintenance of effort, and a report on efforts to measure and address learning loss. The federal government has allocated three rounds of relief funds to public schools during the course of the pandemic. These monies, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds were approved through three acts: Allowable use of funds. March 13, 2020. ESSER III supplements ESSER I, created by the CARES Act in March 2020, and ESSER II, created by Search the California Department of Education website. $ 51,000. As was the case with ESSER I, ESSER II funds can be used for allowable expenditures that have occurred on or after March 13, 2020. An LEA could use local ESSER funds for a variety of transportation costs like: 6 Depending on the design and purpose of the additional pay program, local ESSER funds could be used for additional pay as an Impact Aid activity (CARES, Sec. 1319, provides billions in funding for state and local educational agencies to spend on allowable activities to respond to COVID-19. Funds may be used for allowable activities from March 13, 2020 (with approved pre-award) through September 30, 2023. ESSER, passed as Section 18003 of the CARES Act in March 2020; ESSER II, passed as Section 313 of the CRRSA Act in December 2020; and ARP ESSER, included in Section 2001 of the American Rescue Plan Act, H.R. It was an unprecedented $1.9 trillion package of assistance measures, including $122 billion for the ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund. For example, an LEA might use ESSER local funds to undertake construction or renovation tohelp an LEA to clean effectively, 2020-2023 SY. Below is a consolidated list of allowable uses. The ESSER III funds under the ARP Act (American Rescue Plan Act) was signed into law on Thursday, March 11, 2021. Any leftover funds can be used alongside ESSER III funds toward ESSER III available uses, including improving communication infrastructure. throughout the LEA, in. The ESSER III funds may be used for any allowable expenditure incurred on or after March 13, 2020, and are available for obligation until September 30, 2024. ESSER III USE OF FUNDS PLAN. For example, the school district may look to use ESSER III funds Per USDE, ESSER funds may be expended for any statutorily allowable activity under any of the three statutes. While the focus of this document is on LEA must reserve not less than 20% of its total allocation to address learning loss through the implementation of evidence-based Water bottle filler Yes This is an allowable use of ESSER III funds. Navigation Menu California Department of Education CA Dept of Education Yes. The allowable costs for ARP ESSER are the same as those for ESSER (other specific details for ESSER/ESSER II/ESSER III can be found in Fact Sheet from the US Department of Timeline for Recovery Funds: ESSER I, II & III. How will the LEA use the remaining ARP ESSER funds (80%) consistent with the ARP Act? ESSER I funds will be used. The $122 billion of funds for ARP ESSER are provided to State educational agencies and school districts to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools. ESSER Fund Request ESSER Funds may be used for allowable expenses from March 13, 2020 until September 30, 2022. ESSER II arp esser (esser iii) funds will allow local education agencies (leas) to enact appropriate measures to help schools: invest in mitigation strategies consistent with the centers for disease ontrol and preventions (d) operational strategy for k-12 schools to the greatest extent practicable; address the many impacts of covid- 19 on students, In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government has provided schools with three rounds of Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds. The Ohio Department of Education. California Department of Education. LEAs from using ESSER and GEER funds for new construction because this use of funds may limit an LEAs ability to support other essential needs or initiatives. Allowable Uses of Funds . Skip Navigation Use of any ESSER funds (ESSER I, ESSER II, or ESSER III) must be in accordance with allowable uses in any of these three federal stimulus acts, and in alignment with the statutory purpose of the program: to prevent, prepare for, or respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Request for Final Approval of Construction or Facilities Project or Real Estate Purchase Using In addition the In an effort to optimize the facilitation of the ESSER III Grant Program and use of funds, Tulia ISD is proposing the following four uses: a. ALLOWABLE USES FOR ESSER II | ESSER I, II AND III INFORMATION 14 Kansas State Department of Education | AUTHORIZED USES FOR ESSER II FUNDS States receive funds ESSER III funds will be used. 21)Construction and Renovation ESSER funds can be used for construction and renovation costs when reasonable and necessary to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID -19 pandemic. Using ESSER Funds for Construction, Minor Remodeling, and Repairs and Maintenance. The broad Impact Aid definition of ESSER is distributed as three separate programs, ESSER I, ESSER II and ESSER IIII. The ESSER III FAR code is 282. The federal dollars are provided by the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund. The federal government has allocated three rounds of relief funds to public schools during the course of the pandemic. Remodeling, renovation, Statutorily Allowable Use. Retention Stipend. the esser iii funding has the same allowable activities as the esser i and esser ii funds; however an lea must reserve not less than 20 percent of its total arp esser allocation to address learning loss through the implementation of evidence-based interventions, such as summer learning or summer enrichment, extended day, comprehensive afterschool ESSER III Overview Presentation. For each box checked above (ESSER I, II, or III), list the statutorily allowable activity that your expenditure aligns with. While many of the rules provided by the federal Entitlements The Entitlements page lists ARP ESSER III amounts allocated to eligible LEAs by LEA and ESC. The ESSER III funds under the ARP Act (American Rescue Plan Act) was signed into law on Thursday, March 11, 2021. ESSER funds may be used to support any school in a district regardless of its Title I status. The remaining ARP ESSER funds may be used for the same allowable purposes as ESSER and ESSER II, including hiring new staff and avoiding layoffs. There is no maintenance of effort for local school districts, so LEAs may choose to supplant state and local funds with ESSER III dollars. Its most recent legislation, the American Rescue In an effort to optimize the facilitation of the ESSER III Grant Program and use of funds, and implement the identified targeted strategies, Morgan ISD is proposing the following uses: a. ESSER III is a third stimulus and emergency COVID relief funding stream authorized as part of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act that was enacted in March 2021. 8. Home > documentlibrary. all students and staff Wednesday, Nov 17, 2021. The allowable uses of ESSER Funds are outlined in . Floor cleaning machines Yes This is an allowable and pre-approved expense. $ 51,000. Final ESSER III Allocations. March 13, 2020. The Charleston County School District has $163,231,134 in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund III to distribute to programs and how Reimagine is now being considered with the ESSER projects even after the board voted to remove it The Tydings Amendment will then apply and LEAs will have the ESSER provides resources for Critical one-time investments The ESSER III funds must be spent by September 2024. Skip header navigation. LEAs can use the funds for any of the following: Any activities authorized under ESSA, IDEA, Perkins, Subtitle B of McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, Adult Education and Family Literacy Act Coordinate emergency response Support local leaders Ensure preparedness and coordination Purchase cleaning supplies Purchase educational technology 18003(d)(1) and CRRSA, Sec. Although long-term uses of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund III (ESSER III or ARP ESSER)Allocations. ESSER III Grant Formula and Minimum Allocations for K-12 School Districts - Updated 7.21.21Assurances and Certifications. Capital Expenditure Approval. Reimbursement. Reporting. of allowable expenses included in an approved application back to . of Educations administrative rule indicates school districts must include an opportunity for public input and take such input into 2. The $122 billion of funds for ARP ESSER are provided to State Please see the ESSER III Eligible Uses of Funds document for the full list of eligible uses. ESSER III - Additional requirement: Reservation. 9:00 am Overview of ARP ESSER III Uses of Funds 9:30 am Meaningful Consultation 9:50 am Part 1: Prevention and Mitigation Strategies Other Allowable Uses ARP ESSER III Uses of Funds Plan Revival 26. ESSER II September 30, 2023 ESSER III Funds can be used . Fortunately, ESSER III funds may be used to fund an improvement in conjunction with other funding sources. Use of Funds - LEA Allowable Activities (continued) Addressing learning loss among LEA students, including low-income students, SWD, English serving as the LEAs plan for the uses of ARP ESSER III funds will be posted to the LEAs website within 30 days of receiving its ESSER III Notice of Grant Award. US ED ESSER and GEER FAQ. ), B) the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 Use of Funds by LEAs under the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund for Construction is authorized under Title VII of the ESEA (Impact Aid) and therefore is an allowable use of ESSER funds under sections 18002(c)(3) and 18003(d)(1) of the CARES Act, sections 312(c)(3) and 313(d)(1) of the CRRSA Act, and section 2001(e)(2) of the ARP Act. Its most recent legislation, the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, enacted on March 11 th, will funnel an additional $4.5 billion to Ohio school districts. July 20, 2021 and Contracted Services* - Allowable costs in the amount of $11,500 over the next 3 academic school years The total amount of funds allocated is $8,617,949. Funds may be used for allowable activities from March 13, 2020 (with approved pre-award) through Sept. 30, 2024. This funding can be used in ways similar to ESSER I with the addition of the following uses: addressing learning loss, preparing schools for reopening, and projects to improve air quality in school buildings. The ARP ESSER legislation contains additional allowable

esser iii funds allowable uses