female gangster nicknames

African American Gangster Nicknames: Bumpy Mickey the Cobra Big Frank Nitti Stacks (all Mafia members) Ace of Spades Da Boss Dreads The Prophet Ice Box T-Bone John Joseph Gotti, Jr. - famous gangster. Lyle the Lavender. Our list of gangster names was also mixed with biker gang names, female gang names that are both cool and funny. Temple Drive Ballas - One of the Ballas gangs from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Other times it was the press or even law enforcement who gave them names that they would always be known as, such as The Teflon Don, The Oddfather and The Lord High Executioner. Birthplace: Lercara Friddi, Italy. 1920s slang was prevalent all through the decade: from gangsters to the everyday civilian, learn what was popular to say amongst each other with our list. Moonshine. Sun Sign: Sagittarius. Saweetie 5. But wait: There's more! They specialize in drug-related crimes. And probably indicate some difficulties and funny situations this little female might experience in her future. If your friend is a girl and acting like a tough-chick gangster, then you should definitely call her something on this list of gangster nicknames. Girl cat names don't have to be all cuddly and cute, especially if you have a kitten with attitude. Helen Wawrzyniak - famous gangster - via gettyimages.com. Ice Box. Birthdate: November 24, 1897. Once you find one that suits your crew, be sure to browse our huge selection of cute and comfy ladies t-shirts and tank tops. Quote generators. 2. East Side Ballas. We think it's time that you did. Medusa. Jul 8, 2020 - Explore Charlayxo's board "Gangster nicknames" on Pinterest. Rap/Hip-Hop; Popular Music; Spotlight; Top 10 Lists . MMM (Money Making Machine) 2 Short. Makeda - The unique name of one of Bob Marley's daughters. Crime boss Yoshinori Watanabe was known as "Mr. Gorilla," and mobster Hisayuki Machii was called "The Ginza Tiger."But perhaps the coolest Yakuza nickname belonged to mob boss Kazuo Taoka, head of the Yamaguchi-gumi, Japan's . 9. She has been out on parole since 2013. Rating of names is based on user ratings. Shiver: If he is always trembling with cold even if is hot out there this is the perfect nickname for him. 1. Womens rights were a lot different back in the early 1900s which is likely why we don't. That doesn't mean that there shouldn't be one. 4 Kazuo "The Bear" Taoka. She's long gone now, but tales of her criminal ways still get spoken about to this day. Last name of mobster Bugsy Siegal. George "Machine Gun" Kelly, the notorious racketeer who gave FBI agents the nickname G-men, was given his gangster nickname by his wife Kathryn who forced him to practice with the machine gun. Lilac Soprano. Oil tycoon Charles F. Urschel was abducted from his house during a bridge game. Alcatraz. Chamberlain Gangster. Called by the press at the time "the nucleus and center of the whole organization of crime in New York City," Fredericka "Marm" Mandelbaum came up from abject poverty to rule over one of the largest criminal enterprises-New York had ever seen. Janis - Inspired by the 70s singer, Janis Joplin. Accused gangster begged to witness husband's ordination. T-Bone. If you like these badass female warrior names from fiction you'll also like this list of mermaid names. Submit your funny nicknames and cool gamertags and copy the best from the list. These mainly started in the fertile grounds of the prison system and the ghettos and inner-city slums of major cities. These badass dog names are strong and sassy all at the same time. In the past the Gamemaster awarded several mobster names to finalists and other award winners to enhance the write-ups of the event and to give the event more flavor. Knuckles: Some fighting type guy always ready for an encounter. In this category collected nicknames for shooters, there are more than 200 of them. The same thing happens with gangster names, which are heavy and strong that represent a bad, wicked, cruel, conspiring, cold blooded, and dangerous personality. Need any help let me know I'll try my best too Bk-J on June 11, 2016: Lil'Crown.. .. DAZR on May 30, 2016: Earn your name Killa Slim on May 28, 2016: O.G Killa Slim 5'9 Piru Suwoo C.K. Girl dog names don't have to be all cuddly and cute, especially if you have a pup with attitude. I'm RoGangster 216 I know RoGangster 78 But wait: There's more! Making a great impression in front of your peers is a great deal. Our list of gangster names was also mixed with biker gang names, female gang names that are both cool and funny. Scarface - one of the best-known nicknames in the world of organized crime, first used to describe Al Capone. This is if she's from there or basically emulates all of what Brooklyn is, call her by this nickname. Although many still know the name Bonnie Parker -- herself immortalized in the film Bonnie and Clyde -- dozens of equally ruthless and successful female gangsters have since left their mark on the underworld. Ping - after Sister Ping, a human smuggler from China. There is hardly any female gangster who . Gangsta Pirate Mafia. Menu . During the late 90's, several gangsters evolved in Europe and came into the limelight, and then others later joined them from different parts of the world. . Frederika Mandelbaum Fredericka "Marm" Mandelbaum, criminal mastermind. Female Badass Dog Names. Owney "The Killer" Madden was a famous mobster and owner of the Cotton Club. What side are you on? Gambino. Cool Mobster Nicknames. Kilo Tray Ballas - One of the Ballas gangs from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Guttermouth. But " pandillero " means gang member or gang-banger and not gangster. The character of Grace Faraday is the girlfriend of gangster Mickey Cohen, who sets out to take over the streets of L.A. And some of their brutal ways make some of the most notorious male gangsters look like petty thieves. Trinity. Gangster Cat Names. Even though most of the gangsters are men, female mobsters like Sandra vila Beltrn, Claudia Ochoa Felix, and Rosetta Cutolo prove that women should not be underestimated! Megan Thee Stallion 4. Outlaw & Gangster Dog Names. Name meaning: Triad. | 0fficial ._ (UR NAME)!. In 2008, she was convicted of 20 counts of murder and other crimes related to the so-called 'Ndrangheta crime family. Oakley - after Annie Oakley, a famous female outlaw known for her sharpshooting skills. ' don't be hating on my page ' Ima do clothes next #fyp #fup Cry Baby (feat. Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and tags for GangsteR. Maria Licciardi - she killed women when they got "old". . Peaches Lipinski. These badass cat names are strong and sassy all at the same time. Nickname Generator. It's quite essential to focus on a lot of things. Here, we have done a crucial job that will surely help you choose the best girl's gang names. Female Gangster Names. We shall look at the top 13 richest gangsters in 2022. Siegal. My nickname is shawty low but other names like zada,zebbie,Barbie Jay, bombie,Yeager,Tony,llamar,Liam,etc. Gangster Nicknames for Girls Curio Blaze X-ray Pearl Heart Women Scorned Savage Huns Enmity Atalanta Spooky Chicanery Narcissus Redox Daydream Margarita Kitchen Knives Thelma And Louise Jesse James Geronimo She-Wolf The Cougar Widow Little Puppet Money Over Bitches Radiate Crucible Faster Amazon The Dagger Debs Mercury The Pink Ladies Choose the best nickname for yourself or for your friends. The Italian Mafia seems to have a monopoly on crazy nicknames, but the Japanese Yakuza has a few colorful characters as well. George "Baby Face" Nelson. The second part is on how you can come up with new and original gang names on your own. apricotteacup's list "Old Time Gangster, Mobster and Outlaw Names" of 20 great name ideas: Apache - Lex! From our list of unique gang names, you could be inspired to either choose from the list below or even create your own gangster names. Reputation: Liked 690 2142. Xenon Valkyrie Skate Witches Cleo Darko Shieldmaiden Belle Starr Money Over Bitches Raven Mors Navis Ashtart Geronimo Medb The Gladiatrixes of Ludus Achillea Pearl Heart Cascade Goddess Atilla Pu$$y Posse Carson Avenue. You'll find hundreds of gang names to get inspiration from. Mugshot of Jewish-American mobster Benjamin Bugsy Siegel in the 1920s. The Iron Lady. The Full Roster of the Top 50 Best Female Rappers: 1. Ice. ' Rogangster names for girl !.. Some of history's greatest outlaws and gangsters can make for some unique and cool tough dog names. +. Even if you do not want to use the name for a tradational ganster, most men had wives who will also . But, let us pay homage to the mobster names . Baby Money. John Dillinger - a bank robber and killer. Griselda Blanco - famous gangster - via youtube.com. upon the former's death. For more than 15 years she was one of the most feared gangsters in the world. Snickers Magillicutti. This woman's probably the most famous - well, infamous - female gangster who's ever lived. Nicknames are usually short and informal, which people use for other people. DaBaby) 10.7K imthereal_loui IMTHEREAL_LOUI 59.8K views 10.7K Likes, 177 Comments. This is the list of some good girl gangster names for you: Rebels Motorcycle Club Joker Gordon Black Spider Boo Boo Queen Bee The Cardinal Small Imps Diff'rent Strokes Felony Bandidos Motorcycle Club Keisters Cain Azrael Sylla Drug Sniffers Keem Cyclops Frenchie Da Nang Boys Spoon T-Bone Diaz Cartel Nevada Vex Wheels (a getaway driver) Wicked Witch She is a member of the Mafia and a known female gangster. 1. All the other mafiosi got cool names, so now you need one. | 2kBandzz!. Please Note: The term gangs on this page stands for organized crime groups, notwithstanding their . So in order to say "The Godfather" - as in the movie - you just say " El Padrino .". Nicknames are simple ways to make people seem more personable. Image source. Ruthless - it just sounds gangster! Makeda - The unique name of one of Bob Marley's daughters. We have picked a list of very exotic girl names that qualify for this description. Smedley Butt Wipe. Dictionary . Refers to the prison where Alcapone was housed. Sassy. 1. George "Baby Face" Nelson was a notorious bank robber and killer who operated in the 1920s and 1930s across America. Big Sister. Female Gangster Dog Names Buck Nitro Jack Yukon Draco Tiger Squat Jagger Marvin Alfred Kenji Outlaw Frankie Archie Primo Keno Striker or Stryker Quartz Oliver Johnson Jasper Alvin Bullet Maximillian or Max Fighter Phantom Specialist Ernie Jackson Beau Jones Ghost Griff, Griffin, Gryff Maximus Tinman Stinger Abner Ace Brando or Brandon Roger Chuckie Pick a region: Los Angeles/West Coast Las Vegas Midwest (Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee, Cleveland, Detroit) South (Florida, Texas, Louisiana) Northeast (New York, New Jersey, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh) 3. #25 Carmine "The Italian Meyer Lansky" Lombardozzi Some names from this list are of very famous gangsters of earlier decades. Also a good nickname for a stoner girl. Also a good nickname for a stoner girl. By the way the Spanish word for godfather is "padrino.". Mae - A character from the movie 'Reefer Madness' which uncovers the effects of marijuana on teens. The Monalisa From the "Mack Truck" to the "Kissing Bandit," meet some of these women in the gallery above. Gangsta Pirate Mafia. pin You can use these famous gangster nicknames anywhere you want. Famous female gangsters Raffaella D'alterio was born in Naples, Italy, on January 12, 1978. She is an intellectual badass and a skilled fighter. Here is a list of the 10 most famous gangsters in China since 1990s. Original Covenant Ballas - One of the Ballas gangs from Grand Theft Auto V. Please Note: The term gangs on this page stands for organized crime groups, notwithstanding their . The two were notorious bank. Taboo. For more than 15 years she was one of the most feared gangsters in the world. Gangsta Pirate Mexican Wrestler Pet Taxi Driver Mafia Vampire Rock Star Rock Band.

female gangster nicknames