unique open rate vs open rate

Naturally, a cold email list will have a lower open rate, with a 3-5% open rate considered to be a slam dunk. Today, were doing exactly the same. Imagine you send two different emails on the same subject to two different groups of people. Only this time were looking at the science behind email click though rates. UCTR is unique click-through rate and measures the number of unique clicks an emails link receives. Hence, here unique opens and unique clicks are the two parameters that are been compared to reach CTOR statistics. Sadly, they arent. This metric ignores possible forwards. Unique Opens: Represents the number of individual people who opened your email. For example, if 30 of your e-mails track as opened and you receive 3 unique clicks, your e-mail received 0.1 clicks per open. It wouldn't be hard to test to verify. Your click to open rate evaluates the percentage of people who click the email against the total number of subscribers it was sent to. However, non-bounce rates stayed steady from the third quarter. Multiply clicks per open by 100 to get click-through rate. Using the techniques listed above and based on data of more than 99,000 emails sent during the last 10 months, my average email open rate is 40.9%. KPI Details. Open rates can increase with exclusivity and above all lead to more conversions. UNIQUE OPEN RATE (by Message Type Transactional vs. Nontransactional) Open Rate (Unique) Mean Median Top Quartile Bottom Quartile Overall 21.0% 17.4% 41.3% 7.0% Nontransactional 20.8% 17.3% 40.8% 7.0% Transactional 44.9% 45.9% 72.2% 16.6% TWEET THIS! CTOR stands for click-to-open rate.. According to the DMAs Email benchmarking report 2019, the benchmark email open rate for 2018 was 20.8%. Click-to-open rate (CTOR) This compares the number of unique clicks to unique opens. Before delving deep into their differences, let us spend a moment to understand each one of them and their significance. With a 27.62% open rate, emails about religion came in third. HubSpot Statistics. 1. This is called unique and it means that if one subscriber opens the email 5 times, then it only counts once, so you could never have more than 100%. 3. CTOR only measures the performance of the content of the email. Click-through rate (CTR) refers to the ratio of the number of users exposed to a specific link on a website page or in an email who click the link and view the advertised product or service. Issue 1: Text-only Low Email Open Rate. Here are a few reasons why your open rate is often misreported: 10 people clicked in the email . Of those, the same 1,000 click on stuff in your message. --. Click To Open Rate (CTOR) CTOR is a clear measure of up-to what extent an email message has been able to influence and raise the recipients interest so that they wanted to learn about the email content. Maybe youre asking about unique opens versus total opens. Some companies use a bit more refined formula for open rate calculation with three variables: Total recipients how many email addresses are on your mailing list. For example, according to Campaign Monitor, the average email open rate is around 15-25% while the average click-through rate is 2.5% and the average click to open rate hovers at around 20-30%. CTOR ( click-to-open rate) is a metric that compares the number of people that opened the email to the number that actually clicked. In this case, your click-to-open rate is 10%. For example: 1000 people got delivered an email 100 people opened an email . Email Open Rate = Number of Emails Read / Number of Delivered Emails 100. One image load = one email open. Theres also the concept of unique opens which is defined as the number of the distinct recipients that opened your email. Click through rate can and should be considered, but only in relation to business goals. Open Rate An open occurs when the message content (tracking image) is requested from the PoliteMail Server. According to USPS, an average American household receives more than 400 pieces of direct mail every year which has prompted brands to find unconventional ways to stand out from their competition. Mailchimp found list segmentation could increase email open rates by 14%, and it leads to a 100% higher click-through rate compared to non-segmented emails. The Q4 2016 Email Trends and Benchmarks report from Epsilon discovered that the average open rate was 32.1 percent open rate recorded in the fourth quarter of 2015. Open Rates . In this case, your click-to-open rate is 10%. To learn about how to calculate these and other important metrics, check out our post on email marketing KPIs. These two things open rate, and unique open rate are the same thing. Unique clicks = 3 ( Remember the definition above Total number of subscribers that have clicked on any link in your campaign ) Total clicks = 1+1+2*2 = 6. Opened Sends: The unique opens for the emails that were sent. In this post, well look at how you can create a Unique Open Rate grand total that matches the unique rates you saw in Classic Insight. Non-bounce rates in the fourth quarter were 97.0 Read Rates for Marketing Emails. Unique open rate the unique number of individuals who opened an email at least once. To calculate CTOR: Take the number of people that have clicked on a link in your email. In any case, its nuanced. Email opens detected as being opened by a scanning or privacy tool. Your click rate is hovering around 2.5%, so 1,250 people clicked on at least one link in your email. If you sent your email to 10 people, and each of them opened it twice, your opens would equal 20. When planning and initiating an email marketing campaign, it's important to outline the metrics that tell you about the success of your tactics. Also, the click-to-open rate is not to be confused with open rate, which is just the percentage of recipients who opened the email out of the total. The email open rate that is considered good is between 15-20%. Unique open rate is a bit different from open rate. Make each SMS visually unique. First method: Open rate = (# of unique opens) (total email recipients) x 100. 8. A unique open is how many people have opened your email. SOLVE. Heres a rough breakdown of the average email open rate by industry: Agencies: 22.5%. When we wanted to find ways to increase email open rates, we deep dived into the science behind what makes people open emails and used the findings to increase open rates by 160%! Select a Channel (optional) B2B. Its the percentage of people who opened your email who then clicked a link within that email. Total unique opens how many recipients opened your email. If you sent your email to 10 people, and only 5 people opened it, your unique opens would be 5. However, your CTOR remains the same 10%. Your UCTR is now an appallingly bad .667%. If the same recipient opens your email multiple times, they still only count as one unique open. Email Open Rate The email open rate is - you guessed it - the number of people that actually decided to open (and hopefully read) your email. Desktop Click Thru Click thru rate from computer. That means that if one of your customers opens a given campaign five times, it only counts as one unique open, but five total opens. The formula to calculate email open rate is. You can measure CTOR by using this equation; Number of Clicks / Number of Opens (multiplied by 100 for a percent) = your CTOR. It is an effective measure of how compelling your content is relative to the quality of your target list. If a user opens your email messages multiple times or a bot opens them thousands of times, it can impact the total open rate and create an illusion of a successful campaign. Open rates, click-to-open rates, click rates, unsubscribe rates, forward rates, and bounce rates; View metrics for split test emails to see how each message performed; Set a date range to see how your campaigns performed during a specific time period; Export the data into a CSV, TXT, Excel (2007 or later), JSON, HTML, or Markdown file If you're just looking at click/open, Email B looks like the more successful campaignbut Email A actually got 10x more clicks than Email B did. This metric shows you the number of emails that are not delivered to your subscribers inboxes. Divide that by the number of emails opened. Email "Opens" or "Open Rates" are statistics that track if a recipient had opened the email that they received. B2B emails get a lower open rate of 20.8%. In short, it is a pure content-based metrics and So, send 1 open once gets 100%. Corey Smith. The numbers you see here are based on unique people opening, clicking, purchasing, etc. In fact, according to figures released by Constant Contact in December 2019, the overall average open rate across all industries stood at 13.94%. Adding Direct Mail Envelope Teasers. For example, if you send an email to 500 subscribers and your email receives 200 clicks and 250 opens, then your Click-to-Open rate is 80%. The obvious question is, What is a good click-to-open rate?. If youre wondering what a high or low CTOR and CTR look like, check out the latest email marketing benchmarks from Campaign Monitor . Fourth, open rates can vary by audience. Even plain text email messages can have open tracking by using small transparent images. Out of those 2 people clicked the link only 1 time. According to the Data & Marketing Association's 2019 Email Benchmarking Report, B2C emails average a 21.9% open rate. There is a slight difference between these. Your email open rate tells you the percentage of total recipients who opened your campaign. The open rate can be measured in two different ways: 1) total number of emails open ed divided by total delivered; or 2) total number of emails opened divided by total sent. The unique open rate counts only the first time a subscriber opens your email. Enter the stats you know below. Depending on these variables, a good CTOR can vary from 20% to 30% for promotional campaigns, and 30% to 40% or higher for triggered campaigns. The email open rate is tracked with the help of a transparent 1x1 pixel hidden in every email. Click to Open Rate: It is an email marketing metric that helps determine how engaged your customers are with your content. Open Rate Calculator. When you click into an individual sent campaign, you will initially see the overview report for the campaign with high-level performance metrics 2. To calculate your average open rate during a specific period, add up all of your individual open rates, and divide by the total number of emails sent during that period. make a conversion of the email subject lines, be creative, use emoji to grab attention, create urgency;make relevant email campaigns by qualifying and segmenting your customer base;optimize your dispatch time by taking into account different time zones, the fact that morning is not the best time to send, but from 15.00 to 16.00 is perfect;More items The average email click-to-open rate is 9.94%. So the difference is you could have 200 opens on an email but only 10 people have opened it 10 times. Don't enter any special characters, such as $!% etc. Unique Open Rate. You get the following results: Email ONE opened 25,000 times and clicked on 4,728 people. 1. The average email bounce rate is 2.76%. Choose an unconventional envelope. This is your baseline. If you improve CTR but decrease revenue, thats not a win. Creative Tools. Media HubSpot pulled data from 20 million emails sent over a 10-month period and found that Tuesday was the best day to send an email in terms of open rate. Measuring open Hope that makes sense! In summary, good email marketing benchmarks are: 18% Email Open Rate, 2.6% CTR, and 14.1% CTOR on average, across a wide range of industries. Example 2: Now, lets assume a total of 4 subscribers opened the email. This metric is used to calculate Click-to-Open Rate. Click rate: 10 1000 = 1% Click through rate: 10 100 = 10% . Mobile Click Thru Click thru rate from mobile device. In your SendPulse account, you can see detailed metrics when you select one of your campaigns in the My campaigns section. Click To Open Rate (CTOR) is the percentage of unique clicks and unique opens for your email campaign. A relatively low value for this metric is typically related to a few common factors, including emails that are irrelevant to the lead's interests, If you just relied on open rate and UCTR, you might think your email marketing program is suddenly failing, losing 33% of its performance from one send to the next. Make it look personal. One open is counted for each recipient that opened the email.-Unique Open Rate: The unique opens divided by the total number of times an email was delivered. The narrow difference between the segments shouldnt be much of a surprise. Total open rate the total number of times an email was opened. The standard open rate for a marketing email message is 11-15%, GIFs, and a unique design, the campaign is failing when your subscribers are The decrease in the unique open and unique click rates year-over-year was statistically signicant for 84% of the brands that drove this result; however, this quarters metrics for opens were above the rates obtained in Q2 2019before COVID-19. Send 1 open more than once still gets 100%. Open rate = (total unique opens (total recipients bounced emails)) x 100. Step 2: Establish Your Average Open Rate. Click To Open Rate (CTOR) is the percentage of unique clicks and unique opens for your email campaign. Talk to sales: +1 (919) 957-6150. Your unique open rate in a given email campaign is the total number of unique recipient email opens divided by the number of emails delivered in the campaign. According to the 2019 Email Benchmarking Report from the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), B2B emails have an average open rate of 20.8%, while B2C messages average 21.9%. How strategic segmentation leads to more opens. Email open rate. The content should be unique and attract more and more customers, and by using creative content within your email, you can turn your emails into sales. The open rate is calculated like this: Open rate = [Unique opens (2) / (Emails sent (5) Emails Bounced (1))] = 1/2, or 50%. Four percent is a good, unique open rate for those. Meanwhile, youd expect to see much higher open rates for a welcome email or a shopping cart abandonment email. Click here for our subject on email subject line testing. Your open rate now drops to 6.67%. Email Analysis by Send Date; Opened Sends It is an effective measure of how compelling your content is relative to the quality of your target list. 2. If you have 1,000 subscribers and 200 opened the email at least once, you have a 20% unique open rate. If an open rate is strong, it usually means your subject lines resonate with your audience. Directory of Digital Marketing. After all, outside of working hours, everyone is a B2C target. The other 2 clicked the link twice each. Open rate can be used as a complementary metric when A/B testing subject lines within an email campaign. corey@intuitivewebsites.com. 100 opens 100 different people opening your email. With inflation well above 2% and a strong labor market, the Committee expects it will soon be appropriate to raise the target range for the federal funds rate, the policy-setting Federal Click-through rate was 2.4% and click-to-open rate was 11.6%. So lets say you send an email to 100 people and 10 of them open it. Email marketing benchmarks to look out for in 2022. To calculate click-to-open rate, divide the number of unique clicks (1,250) by the number of unique opens (12,500), then multiply by 100 (1,250/12,500 = 0.1, 0.1 x 100 = 10%). In addition, click rate vs. click-through rate is a good indicator of the long-term health of the business and which channels work best for the company to focus on them in the future. The click-to-open rate (CTOR) compares the number of unique clicks to unique opens. If 50,000 out of 100,000 recipients clicked the email in their inbox, that would be an open rate of 50%. There are two types of bounces: Click to Open Rate (CTOR) Click through Rate (CTR) Open Rate (OR) / Unique Open Rate (UOR) Unsubscribe Rates; Conversion Rate (CR) Click-through Rates (CTR) and Click to open rates (CTOR) are very critical. View a Campaign's Opens and Clicks. 7. The overall average open rate is 16.97%, with a 10.29% CTR - how do your email rates compare? That open rate definition indicates that it's an email sent versus that email being opened. Results calculated here may be used as part of a benchmark. Click-to-open rate: Total unique clicks divided by total unique opens; Unsubscribe rate: Total unsubscribes divided by total emails delivered; Step 6: How To Calculate the CTOR. Email click rate According to campaign monitor, a good click to open rate is between 20-30% depending on your niche and audience. Email Open. Here are a few examples of successful open rates: The highest open rates are found in government-related emails, with an open rate of 28.77%. Customers feel like they are a part of an exclusive club with access to new trends. Open and click rates can give you a good idea of how your campaigns are performing with a particular audience. As a quick refresh the current Unique Grand total will dedupe records to give you a true grand total. Track CTR, but optimize for business metrics. It can also be an indicator of brand goodwill over time when open rates increase, consumers trust may be increasing. Though if revenue stays the same and CTR increases, that could be an indication youre moving in the right direction. Your click rate is hovering around 2.5%, so 1,250 people clicked on at least one link in your email. Lets use an example: You send an email to 1,000 subscribers. For example, when an email is sent to the recipient and when they have opened is for four times, then it would be taken as 4 open rates and 1 Unlike click-through rate, click-to-open rate is the number of clicks out of the number of opens (instead of the number of delivered emails). In order to track an open rate, the recipient must allow HTML to be displayed, as well as images to be displayed in the message when they view it. The Email performance chart shows each of your emails as a data point based on open and click rates. If your click rates are good, the message content is relevant to subscribers who open the campaign. If, out of those emails, 4 are opened, your open rate is then 4/8 = 0.5. 3. As you can see from the graph above, theres also an increase in click-through rates right around 6 pm, while open rates fall dramatically between 2 pm-3 pm before rising again. But there is one key metric that many are overlooking, one that many Email Service Providers dont even display: Click-to-open rate, often abbreviated CTOR. If each of your SMS messages look the same, youll eventually start to see a decrease in open rates as customers wont be enticed to open the messages. By default, the Performance over time filter shows you the click-through rate and open rate of your emails, but you can change the filter to review a different email metric, such as Sent, Opened, Delivered, or Unsubscribed. This is a crucial distinction. Answer (1 of 5): Your question is phrased wrongly! Unique clicks vs. unique open rate shows you how many individual users clicked on the content in your emails vs. how many individual users opened your email. Stop measuring for total opens. Th ats why the unique open rate is the most robust metric for measuring email subject line performance and quality. CTOR measures the relevancy and context of an email by taking the number of unique clicks divided by the number of unique opens, and then multiplying by 100 to show it as a percentage. Among our clients, we typically see welcome email open rates of 25% to 65%, and cart abandonment email open rates of 25% to 45%. In click rate, it's being measured against the delivered emails, in click through rate, it's measured against the number of opens. Email vs SMS Open Rates. Open rate (%) = (number of opens / number of emails delivered) * 100. For example, the Education industry's average is 25% while the Electronics industry is only 19%. Filling out all three will break the calculator. Feel free to share this content so others can also learn how easy it is to keep track domains performance using CR as a guidepost. If 50,000 out of 100,000 recipients clicked the email in their inbox, that would be an open rate of 50%. (Unique Opens / Total Delivered)-Total Clickthroughs: The total clickthroughs. The answer is your CTOR. Emails sent by hobbies entities come in second, with a 27.74% open rate. Your text emails are getting a suspiciously low open rate, despite perfect deliverability and click-through rates. Calculating click-through rates isnt exclusive to performance This number indicates how effective the email message, design, and content performed, and whether it created enough interest in the recipient to take action. Total clicks = 6. For example, if 100 contacts receive your email but only 50 open it then your open rate is 50%. Click-to-Open Rate = (Unique Clicks/Unique Opens) X 100. If you're looking to increase your own email open rates, then try one or two of these techniques the next time you send out a campaign! Multiplying that by 100 gives you an email open rate of 50%. The overall average open rate is 16.97%, with a 10.29% CTR - how do your email rates compare? According to this method, the number of recipient that has opened the mail should be considered as the total number of opens, despite how many times they have opened it. Features. Take the total number of unique clicks and divide by the total number of tracked opens to get clicks per open. Notes: Fill out any two of the metric boxes. According to Constant Contacts Average Industry Email Rates as of September 2019, the open rate for retail was 11.63% and click through rate was 7.47%. Naturally, a cold email list will have a lower open rate, with a 3-5% open rate considered to be a slam dunk. An email open rate is the percentage of your newsletter or email subscribers who open your campaigns. CTR = 100 (Clicks) 2,000 (Impressions) = 0.05 x 100 (percentage) = 5% CTR. Or you could have 200 opens and 200 people had opened it. Therefore, the preferable percentage of click-through rate is approximately 2.5%. Open rate = unique opens/(sent emails - bounced emails). Email Open Rates Depend on the Type of Email. Also, the click-to-open rate is not to be confused with open rate, which is just the percentage of recipients who opened the email out of the total. Second method: Open rate = (# of unique opens) (total email recipients - bounced emails) x 100. As a quick refresh the current Unique Grand total will dedupe records to give you a true grand total. To calculate the click-to-open rate, the formula is simple: You start by dividing the number of unique clicks by the number of unique opens. CTOR (click-to-open rate) measures how many people who opened your email clicked on a link. Arts/Entertainment: 33.7%. 3. Automotive: 17.7%. However, in reality, the issue is much more complicated than that. Click rate: 10% Click/open rate: 20%. Bounce Rate. To calculate click-to-open rate, divide the number of unique clicks (1,250) by the number of unique opens (12,500), then multiply by 100 (1,250/12,500 = 0.1, 0.1 x 100 = 10%). First things first, its important to differentiate the open rates you can expect to achieve with an opted-in list vs. a purchased email list . That's right - 40%! The Campaigns tab shows you the open, click, and conversion data for each sent campaign. A good email open rate meets the average, which is 20.94%. Open rates can be affected by a range of factors and this means that the idea of achieving a 100% success rate is simply not feasible. These opens are not included in Total Opens or any associated open rates. For the sake of this thought experiment, you can imagine that there is a 100% open rate, so everyone who received the emails opened them. This table, from data published in February 2022, gives the average email open and clickthrough rates by industry. MailPoet rates are calculated on a per subscriber basis, rather than total values. For example, if you send out 10 emails and 2 of them bounce, the number of delivered emails becomes 8. Because open tracking relies on the recording of an image download, the reported number is not 100% accurate. By specifying unique link clicks, UCTR avoids some of the noise TCTR fails to account for. Whether you can consider yourself to have a strong open rate typically depends on the industry you're in. The average open rate across all industries is 21.33%, according to Mailchimp. Typically if your open rate sits at around this percentage, you can usually consider your campaign to be successful. Total Opens and ClicksOverview. What is the difference between unique and totals opens? View a Campaign's Opens and Clicks. The Campaigns tab shows you the open, click, and conversion data for each sent campaign. Unique Opens and Clicks. Total Opens and Clicks. The results for your organization, however, will be dependent on the health of your list, the quality of your subject line, and the average benchmark for your industry. Remember: 100 opens by the same person = 1 unique open. Unlike CTR, which measures clicks as a percentage of all subscribers, CTOR looks at clicks as a percentage of opens. Note that for email campaigns, the click-through rate is considered in combination with other metrics such as open rate and bounce rate. That's 85% higher than the average open rate. First things first, its important to differentiate the open rates you can expect to achieve with an opted-in list vs. a purchased email list . 4. So the question would be Is it better to use unique open rate or More specifically, its the number of unique opens divided by the number of emails sent minus any number of bounces. The average email spam complaint rate is 0.01%. Opens: Represents the total number of times people opened your email. Ways to Improve Open Rates. An open is recorded when the images load within your email message. Top-performing companies see nearly three out of every four customers open their Our email open rate used to be 15%. You can calculate CTOR by dividing your unique email opens by your unique email clicks and multiplying by 100. There's a slight difference in email open rates between B2B and B2C industries. Then, you multiply that number by 100. Open Rate (physical mail): The rate at which a piece of mail is opened within 30 days as determined by the recipients conscious and sub-conscious judgments about the un-opened mail piece; this decision is often made in 35 seconds. All subsequent opens from that user are ignored. Source: SendX. Email Marketing: Unique Open Rate measures the number of times emails sent out during an email campaign were opened for the first time by individual users in relation to the total number of emails sent during that campaign. Pro Tip: Dont forget to multiply your result by 100 to save some extra time calculating the percentage. The average open rate for all industries we analyzed is 21.33%. Email B Sent: 1,000 Opened: 10 Clicks: 10 Click rate: 1% Click/open rate: 100%. The average email click-through rate is 2.02%. How email opens tracking works is by loading a tiny, invisible image (called a pixel). As with any benchmark, this depends on many variables including industry, type of email, segmentation, number of links in an email, etc. An open is the number of times the email has been opened. Now, you can calculate your average open rate (and averages for other statistics) over the past 1-4 quarters. The open rate evaluates who opened your email, which helps you gauge the performance of your subject line and subject preheader. The average email unsubscribe rate is 0.11%. This is a much more accurate way of calculating how many people have enjoyed your newsletter. The average CTR is 3.5%. Email type also has an impact on open rates. The title Beauty Insider signifies this email is only sent to members of their rewards club, eliciting a feeling of exclusivity as a result. Do it well, and segmentation is one of the best tools for increasing email open rates. In this post, well look at how you can create a Unique Open Rate grand total that matches the unique rates you saw in Classic Insight. Unique Opens: The total recipients (original recipients or email forwards) that opened an email at least once.

unique open rate vs open rate