why does kerrigan hate zeratul

If arriving from Kaldir Having eradicated all traces of the protoss threat, Kerrigan sets out for the ancient homeworld of the zerg, and all the primordial power lurking there. Sarah Kerrigan dispassionately watches as the various monsters of the Zerg Swarm lay waste to an entire planet. So the humans are fighting the Zerg. Here's the core of it: in StarCraft 1, Kerrigan was under the control of the Overmind, her mannerisms and speech reflected the fact she had changed as a person. He learned of the new threats of the Hybrid, and, through Zeratul's prophecies, that Kerrigan "was the only one who could save them." Kerrigan, surprised by his actions, allows him to live. i can win 100% of my games against her and still hate playing her. Zeratul: first born of the gods, rose to fight them. Zeratul: Now, the Xel'Naga that forged us all, are returning. He couldn't believe that, principally because Zeratul knew what Jim felt for Sarah Kerrigan, and because they were friends. We overlook Zeratul because he is Melee unit, have only 1 mediocre damaging ability, no summon abilities or sustainable abilities (life steal, healing . After becoming infested as a primal zerg and rebuilt from the ground up into a completely new and more powerful creature, she was given the same model as the Queen of Blades, only purple colors. "First, I want an apology from you. . Everyone Else tl;dr The other characters are one-dimensional and awful Just kidding, there aren't any other characters! She wasn't the same kerrigan. Primal Grasp will always Pull enemies the same distance. Later it notes that Kerrigan was part of Confederate experiments with the zerg. Games StarCraft Rated: T, English, Family & Romance, James R., Sarah K., Words: 505k+, Favs: 490, Follows . That was impossible. These events, and the discovery of the hybrids, led Zeratul to go into seclusion to contemplate his actions and investigate. Why does Kerrigan choose to be called the 'Queen of Blades'? A proud assassin. Zerg never had purity of form. Likely revenge for that. "Why should I do that?" asked her Artanis. Sarah Louise Kerrigan (usually just called Kerrigan) is one of the main antagonists of the real time strategy video game franchise StarCraft (alongside the Overmind and Arcturus Mengsk). Look at flesh, see only potential. Before Zeratul can enter the temple, he must fight his way through a force of Tal'Darim Protoss, fanatically loyal to Amon. So before I say anything, I want to make it clear that I don't hate Blizzard and was not aiming to hate Starcraft 2 from the start. That's why they secretly gathered information on the rogues and had adun covertly execute them, and only had them known as a public thing once they'd already killed people, stolen stuff, and left the planet like mutilated boogeymen. 7 level 2 That stupid nonsense with the prophesy. "Because I am the Chosen One who will save the whole Universe." answered the Queen of Blades. Then the overmind dies, Kerrigan regains control of herself and starts setting some goals. The Starcraft 2 story starts with an analogous event - the Zerg invade a planet called Mar Sara, where Marshall Jim Raynor, a hero of the Zerg wars, lives a relatively quiet life of local law enforcement. I act for the greater good, though it earns me the hatred of my own people. She attacked him in the leviathan because he swore revenge on her, so it's easy to assume he was there to kill her. Kerrigan: You know I don't believe in your mad prophecies. Zeratul told him how to make her be human again, why would he do such a thing? The UED would technically remain the common foe of the Zerg, Mengsk and even the Protoss, due to the UED controlling the Slave Overmind. [ Zeratul managed to break Kerrigan's restraint on him and landed an attack on her, then jumped back. Zeratul : Never! some reason. While I don't disagree with these arguments, I don't think they can fully explain why the story failed. Zeratul was manipulated by Sarah Kerrigan during the Brood War into killing the Second Overmind and Raszagal, the Dark Templar Matriarch. Kerrigan and Zagara can do well on their own unlike some certain units in their respective rosters I could name. Abathur, the guy who spins DNA for a job is going through all the reasons why Kerrigan isn't strong enough to survive. Both Zeratul and Kerrigan have had their character designs revised and updated for Starcraft II. Going into Wings of Liberty, it seems the reason was base need to kill stuff the Zerg have forced on them (see all the Zeratul flashback stuff), including Kerrigan. There are many arguments on why SC2's story failed to engage its audience: the story was clichd and "Hollywoodized", there was too much emphasis on prophecies, there were too many plot holes, and so on. Alright, Kerrigan, time to ascend. But still, he was going to ask that to Zeratul when he got the chance.-It can't be.--But it is.-Izsha assured. Zeratul helped kill the cerebrate assigned to her during her infancy, which she cared about (the SC1 zerg campaign player character) and fought her across Char. Zeratul attempts to rescue Raszagal, but kills her when he realizes her mind has been destroyed by Kerrigan's brainwashing. In one of the shrines, the purity of form simply refers to the necessary psionic power to house the consciousness of a Xel Naga. Could be why Zeratul was antsy and weakened being on the Hyperion and fled quickly, among other reasons. He couldn't believe that, principally because Zeratul knew what Jim felt for Sarah Kerrigan, and because they were friends. Dialogue on the Leviathan Fitting, that we should face oblivion together. First will be about Kerrigan and Zagara. It captures Sarah Kerrigan, the most powerful human psychic around. Brood War ensues with Kerrigan just building up power for. Through this Ihan Crystal, Zeratul warned Jim Raynor that Kerrigan was the key to preventing the impending disaster. The praetor put himself at Zeratul's disposal, and the pair broke through Zerg patrols and found the prophecy Zeratul and Kerrigan sought. After completing his task Zeratul and Talis set off to the planet Atrias, where a Xel'Naga Temple is located. Everyone Else tl;dr The other characters are one-dimensional and awful Just kidding, there aren't any other characters! I actually like the game a lot. Also, I hate to say it but what you are asking for qualifies as power creep. Kerrigan: You know I don't believe in your mad prophecies. Soon after, Kerrigan's position on Char is attacked by a vengeful Protoss fleet, the remnants of the UED's invasion force and a mercenary fleet commanded by Mengsk. Great. Sarah Louise Kerrigan (usually just called Kerrigan) is one of the main antagonists of the real time strategy video game franchise StarCraft (alongside the Overmind and Arcturus Mengsk). Kerrigan should always use her Basic Abilities wisely in order to conserve Mana. 2 level 1 [deleted] Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm. . Zeratul severed the Queen of Blades' left wing, although it promptly regenerated. Finally, above them all is an alien being, apparently a xel'naga. i can destealth her every single time she rides past and i would still hate playing her. Take this into account when placing Impaling Blades. Zeratul: But do they come to save, Cut to Zeratul, who lifts his warp blade to head height as if to cast more light and get a closer look. Summary: A series of short stories about Starcraft characters and how they interact in the Heroes of the Storm setting. "Artanis, please, help me!" begged Kerrigan. Jedi younglings watch helplessly as Anakin strangles the adult Jedi. Kerrigan hates Zeratul because he ruined her plans in Brood War, which inevitably fractured the Zerg under her power. Zeratul made his way past zerg sentries to the first shrine. I have to ask the spirit of Zeratul about his opinion." "Artanis, don`t help that stupid bitch." said the spirit . "What do you want?" Asked Kerrigan. Anakin explodes through a wall panel and grabs a fleeing Jedi by the throat. You have more cause to hate me than most. Sarah made me hate mengsk in sc1. If I remember the original Starcraft, she just chooses the title at some point for little reason. The prophecy's fragments were held in three shrines. Zeratul - 3 . "Jim, Zeratul, hate to rain on you're parade but we can't hold out much longer than ten minutes. Tassadar: It has been a long time, oh Queen of the Zerg. On the eve of the Second Great War, Karass and his troops journeyed to Ulaan in pursuit of Kerrigan. From me!" Kerrigan blinked. . The gameplay was great and, despite what I'm about to say, some parts of the story were very good. Its not even a matter of her being OP, its just that she isnt fun to play against. in bw kerrigan made me hate herself. Zeratul's is fine, I think. Okay, defending Kerrigan again while she ascends to be a benevolent Lovecraftian god, hell ye--fuck, this is really hard, Artanis just got crushed. Holy shit, my base expansion is on FUCK WHY ARE THERE SO MANY THORS SHITTING ON ZAGARA AAAAAGH EVERYTHING IS DYING fuck you, god mode it is. Zeratul told him how to make her be human again, why would he do such a thing? Zeratul: Your belief is not required. I don't think it's necessary for. Kerrigan: Spare me . Zeratul: The xel'naga wish you restored as the leader of the Swarm. Legacy of the Void [] Whispers of Oblivion [] Zeratul, still searching for the last part of the xel'naga prophecy, came to a facility of Moebius Foundation for information and discovered that Amon had been revived on Atrias. She appears as a heroine-turned-major antagonist in the first StarCraft game, as one of the two main antagonists of the expansion StarCraft: Brood War (alongside Gerard DuGalle) and the main antagonist of . For confused people on the audience, there is a cutscene conversation you can have between Kerrigan and the captured Protoss, who does insist this is a peaceful science expedition. An apology for murdering our Matriarch and killing many Protoss." Said Zeratul "An apology! Kerrigan, after beating the crap out of Zeratul, approached him. Trusting Kerrigan has worked for exactly nobody in any of the Starcraft campaigns to this point, and Artanis of all people should know not to trust her given her interactions with him personally and the Protoss in general in the Brood War. When Arcturus Mengsk freed her from the Confederacy, Kerrigan joined the Sons of Korhal and . We overlook Zeratul because he is Melee unit, have only 1 mediocre damaging ability, no summon abilities or sustainable abilities (life steal, healing . Artanis - Appears once in the In Utter Darkness mission just to die. Zeratul reignites his warp blade, apparently dispelling the psionic bolt and slashes up, outside to inside, aiming for Kerrigan's head. fact is, her counters arent fun and lack true mechanical gameplay counters, her counters are strictly non . You can also recruit neutral camp minions, as well as do crazy Mario Party-like events such as paying a pirate crew to shoot enemy structures. You have more cause to hate me than most. And it assimilates her into the zerg. Zerg have purity of essence, and Protoss have purity of form. See how it could be better. In SC2 she goes pretty much psycho and wants to kill herself along with all zergs via the artifact, or is already under control of the hybrids. Despite the problems with the writing in SC2, there is literally no reason for them to trust Kerrigan. She may hate being treated like a damsel all the time, . Kerrigan: The hive benefits from early game extra larvae for drones and zerglings, . She grabbed Zeratul by the shoulder and prepared to hit him again. The middle of the zerg campaign then recounts the use of Kerrigan as an anti-protoss weapon. Kerrigan's wing separates at the cut and falls to the ground. Zeratul has a cameo to say "Hi, I'm Zeratul," Izsha has literally no personality, Zagara exists solely for Kerrigan to rant about "vision" to (by the way, I love how Abathur can weave abstract concepts into DNA . Kerrigan: Why are you helping me, Zeratul? Prior to any infestation, Kerrigan was already an incredibly powerful psionic. The dark templar prelate disagreed and slipped away to find his own answers. Strands, sequences, twisting, separating, joining. That is why we fight." Voiced by: Glynnis Talken-Campbell ( Starcraft) and Tricia Helfer ( Starcraft II) (English), Polina Shcherbakova (Russian) Sarah Louise Kerrigan was a Confederate Ghost operative with exceptionally powerful psychic abilities. Fortunately, the moments he does appear in advance the plot, but Zeratul himself never plays a part in the primary storyline of WoL/HotS, instead being relegated to the hybrid subplot. . Spin it. Zeratul has a cameo to say "Hi, I'm Zeratul," Izsha has literally no personality, Zagara exists solely for Kerrigan to rant about "vision" to (by the way, I love how Abathur can weave abstract concepts into DNA . Zeratul - The only relevant protoss character in the sequel as of now. Many core hero abilities are also built around the . Least Favorite: Kerrigan - Served no purpose, but to pointlessly taunt the player. After a lot of muddling around, the Overmind gets what it wants. The Zerg land on the planet and kill everybody. Infested Kerrigan is a unique zerg hero. Raynor is apprehensive of Zeratul because they were bros, and Zeratul ditched him at the end of brood war. Least Favorite: Arcturus Mengsk - Overhyped as #$%& given his continued incompetence. The kerrigan in BW/Wings didn't care about mengsk because she had bigger fish to fry. In fights, always use Impaling Blades and Primal Grasp together. When Arcturus Mengsk freed her from the Confederacy, Kerrigan joined the Sons of Korhal and . 26 level 2 Codimus123 Kerrigan killed Narud in the heart of the temple, but by this point Amon was alive again. . He is the zerg evolution master, serving as the Swarm's DNA library, and resides in . Nerazim hate Zeratul because he slaughtered their (unknowingly mind-controlled by Kerrigan) matriarch. Zeratul must race Kerrigan to free the captured Protoss and acquire the location of Amon's resurrection. Zeratul: Your belief is not required.

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why does kerrigan hate zeratul