health problems with siamese cats

Skin irritation and hair loss. Yes. We now know that Siamese cats can live up to twenty years of age, thats a long time. A Siamese cat can live for as long as twenty years, and the average lifespan of a Siamese's is fourteen. Top 3 Balinese Cat Minor Health Conditions: 1. the Oriental Shorthair. Siamese cats can suffer from a few different health conditions, but even so, they usually live long healthy lives. Genetic traits create their distinctive fur pattern, but . The points (tips of the ears, the ends of the tails, paws, nose leather, and paw pads) of a Blue Point . While convergent strabismus and nystagmus are harmless, progressive retinal atrophy and glaucoma can cause a Siamese to lose their vision. . Common Health Problems . Balinese are known for their intelligence, their friendly, inquisitive and playful nature, and their striking beauty. But just like any cat breed, they have a higher predisposition to some health issues. Roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms most commonly infect cats. Though most of the Siamese cats are termed to be health and can live up to 15 years. The disease usually develops when teeth are not properly cared for as time goes on. Siamese cats are more territorial and aggressive than most other breeds of cats. Sadly, Siamese cats are prone to many problems, including: Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) leading to eventual blindness. Dental. You will get to spend many years together. Can you tell me a little more about the Siamese's situation? Trust me, the last thing you want is an angry Siamese! It is a behavioural issue that can be triggered by boredom, stress or anxiety. The breed is prone to several health issues, including eye conditions such as progressive retinal atrophy, glaucoma, convergent strabismus, and nystagmus. Key Characteristics of Siamese Cats. Updates on Siamese cat health problems The following were compiled from various sources over time: If I have not mentioned this below I will here. Vestibular Disease On occasion, a Siamese cat may develop a condition called as Vestibular Disease which is a genetic disorder that affects their inner ear. Regular vet visits should always be a priority to prevent health problems. You will get to spend many years together. Lack of attention, hunger, hormonal shifts, the anxiety of a new environment, and obsessive behaviors can all contribute to territorial aggression. That being said, there are a few health issues you should be aware of. For this, it is advised to give the suffering Siamese cat some malt. The Wedge Head's health issues are to be noted so an owner can take preventive measures. Himalayan and relatives of the Siamese breed are also prone to this problem. This could be . In most cases, crossed eyes are considered a birth defect, but it's considered normal in Balinese cats. 1. Himalayans tend to be very healthy if you take good care of them and regularly visit the vet to see if everything's in check. Vomiting is a very common problem with cats with a multitude of causes. Asthma is not uncommon, so any sign of a breathing problem you should bring your cat in immediately. What is . Siamese cat run the risk of developing hairballs. Siamese Cat Health Problems. Hypertensive retinopathy (blood vessel damage because of high blood pressure) is one of the most common problems seen in older cats with eye problems. Siamese cats are also susceptible to several hereditary diseases. Veterinarian's Assistant: I'll do all I can to help. Indirectly ingesting hair can also cause intestinal problems such as hairballs or trichobezoars. Siamese cats can get cancer of the intestines and also lymph nodes. Some of these conditions even result from poor behavioral management. Let's learn a little bit about a Siamese cat to get a . Siamese cats tend to have a more difficult time with anesthesia than other cats, so routine procedures such as spaying or dental work can be a little . There are some who have hereditary health problems. Unexpected weight gain or weight loss. Siamese Cat Health Issues. Some of these cats were "pointed," meaning that the coat had a light background with dark points on the ears, legs, tail, and snout. The tendency for crossed eyes was mostly bred out, but it still means that Siamese have less-acute vision than . Munchkin kittens, however, are vulnerable to lordosis, a rare spinal condition in which the spinal muscles grow short, allowing the spine to sink down into the body. Therefore, many breeders rely on family history before choosing Siamese cats for breeding. They range from eating something poisonous or inedible (like string), to infection, urinary tract disease, or diabetes to hairballs. Image: Jamey Ekins / Shutterstock. Posted on February 1, 2020 by Michael Broad. Siamese vs Persian vs Siberian Grooming Comparison . Siamese Cat Health. Calico coloring is related to the X chromosome. The cat may appear disoriented or dizzy. In The Wizard of Oz, a Siamese Cat is the cause for Dorothy's missing the balloon ride back to Kansas. Persians tend to have more frequent health issues than other breeds. These include: This mixed origin gives Tonks the attributes of the two cats, including some health problems. Typical symptoms are head tilting, loss of balance or a cat might appear disoriented. These cats are male, but because, like females, they have two X . What Are Applehead Siamese Cats? Arthritis 2. 1. Limping or mobility issues. Siamese cats; Extreme Trait: triangular shaped skulls. She seem like she is having breathing problems. Although generally healthy, there are several conditions known to affect the breed. An anxious Siamese cat will constantly lick itself, causing baldness. Increase in drinking and urinating. Siamese do also seem to suffer more from chronic coughing ( asthma) and to vomit more than other breeds. Chocolate point is more of a reddish-brown like the color of a Hershey bar. Siamese, Oritental SH and Javanese for example are predisposed to lymphoma. Calico coloring is related to the X chromosome. This is crucial because although they get sick very . They are classed as elderly from age twelve onward. This mixed origin gives Tonks the attributes of the two cats, including some health problems. Generally speaking, the Siamese cats are pretty healthy and one of the longest living cats, surviving till their twenties. Cross-eyed Siamese was popular decades ago; the same gene that gave them colored spots also resulted in defective vision wiring in the brain. Siamese cats are known to suffer from certain infections tumours, blockages or any age-related issues which in turn can have a negative effect on the kidney. They are one of the most extroverted and social cats in the world, enjoying the company of people of all ages. She has drainage from her nose. Female cats have XX chromosomes, while most males have XY chromosomes, so of course, most Calicos are female. This condition is usually seen in felines around the age of seven and can be fatal or reduce the sufferer's . I've listed them below. When it comes to hereditary conditions, Siamese cats are prone to vestibular disease which affects the nerves of the ear. Tonkinese is the product of cross-breeding between the Burmese and Siamese breeds. In most cases, crossed eyes are considered a birth defect, but it's considered normal in Balinese cats. Responsible breeders have worked to evolve a breed relatively free of health issues, though there are still a few. Reputable Siamese breeders will screen for health issues in your kitten, but it's important to have them screened regularly into adulthood. It's important to acknowledge the health concerns of each parent breed to understand all the potential outcomes for your cat. Convergent Strabismus and Nystagmus. A cat suffering from the diode can appear dizzy or disoriented. Flame Point Siamese Lifespan and Health Issues: Do Flame Point Siamese Cats Have Health Problems? Siamese are most intelligent, easily learning tricks such has fetching, walking on a leash and opening . Health Issues. They usually attack other cats rather than people. Hi Kristina, For any of our readers not familiar with Siamese coloring, the cats have a pattern of darker color on their faces, legs and tail, while the rest of the body is a lighter cream color. However she is sleeping mostly day and night. Expert Reply. The Siamese was imported to Britain from Thailand in the late 1800s. Symptoms could include poor appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss. This condition is called psychogenic alopecia. There is no evidence that lilac cats are more susceptible to health problems than other colors. They originated in the United States of America from different breeds such as the Persian, Siamese and Birmese. The most important health issue for Siamese cats is the disease of the eye. Because the Orange coat gene is rare, it's more common to see Siamese cats pictures with black, brown, or silvery markings than brighter cat colors. This disease affects the liver and occurs when amyloid cells are deposited outside of the cat's organs. Siamese Cat Breed Health Issues. Common Siamese Cat Illnesses Some of the common illnesses and health problems your cat may encounter include: Vomiting Urinary tract infections (UTIs) Ringworms Mange Hairballs Gum disease Fleas Eye problems Ear mites Diarrhea in kittens Diarrhea in cats Constipation Allergies Serious Cat Illnesses Vestibular disease Some cats are born with an extra X chromosome, so their chromosomes are XXY. Some Siamese cats develop vestibular disease. As a rule the Siamese cats have good health and if they are cared for in the right way, they can often live up to 20 years. A cat needs two X chromosomes to be a Calico. The Siamese cat may be the world's most recognizable feline. As the balloon is just about to lift off with the Wizard, Dorothy and Toto on board, a girl in the crowd is holding a Siamese Cat . "I don't need glasses to see cat treats." They also get along well with other cats and dogs. Barrack includes the Balinese in her list of longest-living cat breeds, since these cats have an average lifespan of 18-22 years. Coat. Weight gain or weight loss. The Persian Siamese mix, also known as Himalayan Siamese cat (or Colourpoint Persian in Europe), is a breed of cats that, as the name implies, . Your Siamese may also develop dental disease, which involves infection in the gums and roots of your cat's teeth. . They are also often vocal and rather demanding. If you choose to purchase the Siamese cat, you should know that the mentioned amount of money is an average of the collected data from breeders' sites and cat finder places. That said, they too, like the rest of their species, are susceptible to several health issues. If these health issues overwhelm you, opt for a more usual style of Siamese. Balinese. Vestibular disease causes loss of balance, head tilting, disorientation, dizziness, eye drift and falling. Siamese cats were once quite frail and delicate, but that is no longer the case. Brushing your cat's teeth may help to prevent this. Solution - Making your Siamese feel included is a great way to ease anxiety. Arthritis Cats are good at self-maintenance. The most common retinal symptom is when the cat seems to suddenly go blind, and their pupils look dilated. Cats with vestibular disease will display symptoms consistent with a loss of balance, such as head tilting. When fully grown, their height can reach between 8 and 12 inches tall. And increased susceptibility also occurs among cats who have repeated viral respiratory infections. Chocolate Point Siamese Cat Care Health. So, if you've noticed your Siamese avoiding the litter box after a change in the household, they may be anxious about something. The 8 Health Concerns for Siamese Cats 1. Health Issues in the Flame Point Siamese. Vomiting. Walking in circles or bumping into things. Hip dysplasia. Your Snowshoe Siamese mix may be prone to Addison's Disease, Bloat, skin issues, allergies, as well as congenital heart disease and hypothyroidism.. Standard Siamese, despite their long history, can suffer from several problematic health conditions. But even your fastidious feline can't prevent some of these more common cat diseases and health issues. Swelling of their face, ears, paws, tail, or limbs. Owning a flame point Siamese means having 15 to 20 years of fun and friendship. February 1, 2020. However, like most breeds of cats, the Siamese are prone to genetic diseases such as amyloidosis of the liver that can result in hepatic insufficiency, also cardiomyopathy and breast cancer. The life expectancy for Siamese cats is 10-13 years. Convergent squint is caused by a mixup in the nerve wiring behind your kitty's eyes. According to the CFA, the Balinese takes the elegance and intelligence of the Siamese and throws in a luxurious, silky coat that makes it extra attractive. Chocolate Point Siamese Cat Care Health. These cats are male, but because, like females, they have two X . I have a Siamese cat who is usually active cat. Fitting, seizures or repeated twitching. Cats run the risk of tartar build-up on their teeth. Our learning center shows you how to check the lymph nodes to help detect cancer. Periodontitis appears to be more common in Siamese cats and the family of breeds associated with the Siamese e.g. Periodontitis appears to be more common in Siamese cats and the family of breeds associated with the Siamese e.g. Seal point is a very dark brown, nearly black. This is a genetic problem having to do with the inner ear, specifically the nerves serving the ear. Convergent strabismus is the term that medical professionals use to describe crossed eyes. Siamese cats are prone to vestibular disease, a hereditary condition that affects the nerves of the ear. Some nerves from each eye connect to the vision center of the other, which prompts cats to squint and look back and forth frequently, according to the Feline Advisory Bureau. Siamese seem more predispositioned to it than other breeds and this could be down to genetics in many cases. Don't get me wrong: Tonks are relatively healthy felines. The Munchkin cat is a very healthy breed with few specific health problems. Respiratory problems, including asthma. If you were lucky enough to see a Siamese cat 20 years ago, you would have seen a beautiful, blue-eyed, healthy . They are classed as elderly from age twelve onward. Generic Health Issues 1. The International Cat Association registers this cat as the Thai Breed, thanks to the close resemblance of their . Amyloidosis. Dental Disease Like most cat breeds, the Siamese cat is susceptible to developing dental disease as they age. Sally Anne Thompson, Animal Photography. Image Credit: Fazlyeva Kamilla, Shutterstock. Generally speaking, the Siamese cats are pretty healthy and one of the longest living cats, surviving till their twenties. Trouble urinating, or peeing outside the litter box. April 20, 2020. Crossed eyes, also known as convergent strabismus, are a common condition in the Balinese breed, whereas, in other breeds, it's considered a birth defect. Most cases of vestibular disease resolve spontaneously within a few weeks. February 1, 2020. The breed arose as a result of a spontaneous genetic mutation in pure breed Siamese that caused the cats to develop a longer coat type. If you want a cat who will converse with you all day long, the Siamese may be your perfect match. . This is a cancer of the lymph system - a malignant cancer of the lymphatic system. Some lines of Siamese will ingest strange non-edible items (this is known as pica ) such as eating woollen garments, plastic and other materials - the reason for this is not understood. Lordosis may be mild or severe, and if it's bad enough, the kitten won't live past three months of age. A Siamese cat can live for as long as twenty years, and the average lifespan of a Siamese's is fourteen. The Siamese lavender point Siamese cat is also known by the name "Siamese lilac-point cat". Lung cancer. Needless to say that Siamese cats Blue Point are extremely pretty. Systemic amyloidosis, a build-up of protein in organs that stops them from working. Crossed Eyes. This problem is usually experienced in the nerves serving the ear and makes the cat display symptoms such as head tilting and loss of balance. If you see this, seek treatment immediately to attempt to save your cat's vision. Cross-eyed Siamese were common decades ago; the same gene the gave them colored points also resulted in faulty vision wiring in the brain. . Don't get me wrong: Tonks are relatively healthy felines. Compared to other cats, they have a slow maturation rate. These health issues are no more common in most of the Siamese than in any other cat. Siamese cats health problems. Cats in the Siamese family i.e. Posted on February 1, 2020 by Michael Broad. This, in turn, can lead to chronic kidney illness. Convergent Strabismus and Nystagmus. Their ears, nose, tail, feet, and tail are covered in warm gray . Their average weight falls within the range of 9 to 20 pounds. PoC. They may also be prone to urinary problems and dental issues which are common problems of the American shorthair breed. One of the best-known cat breeds, the Siamese is curious, smart, vocal and demanding. The other big health issues that this breed is vulnerable to include: Respiratory illness: Siamese cats . In fact, dental disease is extremely common. 9. As mentioned, Flame Points share several personality traits with their pure Siamese cousins. Tonkinese is the product of cross-breeding between the Burmese and Siamese breeds. Asthma is an allergic respiratory disease that's fairly common in cats. Signs you Siamese may be suffering from Amyloidosis: Loss of appetite Increased drinking and urinating Weight Loss Diarrhea Vomiting Becoming lethargic Unfortunately, there is also no way to trace amyloidosis back to the parents of the affected cat. They stick to their schedules and absolutely hate change. Respiratory Problems - Common respiratory problems such as upper respiratory infections and feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR) present themselves in young Siamese kittens and can be treated quickly. Some cats are born with an extra X chromosome, so their chromosomes are XXY. As with teacup kittens, when we consistently, selectively breed for either extreme large size or extreme small size, this can cause problems with birth, growth and joint health. Cats can occasionally develop heartworms, as well. Cats run the risk of tartar build-up on their teeth. Generic Health Issues 1. The Siamese weighs six to 10 pounds and has a distinctive coat with dark "points" on a light background. Feline asthma. There are times when the kidneys of the Siamese start to deteriorate over a period of time. There are no apparent health problems; You don't take your cat home until it's at least 8 weeks old; Other Flame Point Siamese facts include: Height: 16-21 inches; Weight: 9-14 pounds; Lifespan: 15-20 years; Personality of Flame Point Siamese Cats. They can also suffer from feline OCD, psychogenic alopecia, a condition which causes them to overgroom to the extent that they can actually wear holes in their fur. They tend to suffer from lung infections, especially in kittenhood, and this makes things like using anesthesia even for simple short procedures like neutering quite problematic. Purebred Siamese have no particular health issues but they are still prone to some diseases that have been seen more in Siamese than some other popular cat breeds.Some Siamese have been seen with Congenital heart problems in very early stage of their life.This disease is also common in Himalayan breeds.Siamese are also prone to Junctional epidermolysis in which the the claws starts shedding in . PoC. The Siamese cat's greatest health risks include amyloidosis (disease of the liver), asthma, dental disease (make sure to keep a close eye on your cat's teeth), and several kinds of cancer. But just like any cat breed, they have a higher predisposition to some health issues. Symptoms of worms can include weight loss, pot bellied appearance, poor coat appearance and vomiting. We now know that Siamese cats can live up to twenty years of age, thats a long time. Let's learn a little bit about a Siamese cat to get a . She is trying to push the air in and out of her lungs. That said, they too, like the rest of their species, are susceptible to several health issues. . The Siamese is one of the oldest recognized breeds of Oriental cats, originating from Thailand (formerly known as Siam). This breed is comparatively larger than both the modern and classic Siamese cat. If your Bali has this condition, there's no cause for alarm. This will lead to the cat having problem with their balance and they will frequently tilt their head, get dizzy, have their eyes drift or even fall. the Oriental Shorthair. But due to their wedged shaped heads, there are few cats who can be prone to dental or respiratory health issues. The 8 Health Concerns for Balinese Cats. Their piercing blue eyes, blue-cold fur with a hint of gray, elegant body, and silky coat make up a beautiful combination that has won millions of hearts all over the world. Below are some common health issues Siamese cats are prone to. The Siamese are known for living long lives and being the most athletic and outdoor-loving. Weight: 9-15 pounds (male); 6-12 pounds (female) Life Expectancy: 15-20 years. Environmental Problems. 1. Female cats have XX chromosomes, while most males have XY chromosomes, so of course, most Calicos are female. The 8 Health Concerns for Balinese Cats. And increased susceptibility also occurs among cats who have repeated viral respiratory infections. Most Ragamese cats become mature at four years of age just like Siamese and Ragdoll cats. Siamese cats like to talk in their characteristic loud and low pitched voice. Very healthy cat breed. Although generally healthy pets, Siamese cats may suffer from certain health issues. They are just as susceptible to health problems that affect Siamese color. Ragdoll cats are one of the largest breeds of domestic cat (they still don't quite rival the heft of a tiger) with males being larger than females. Some Siamese cats can develop a genic problem in the ear known as vestibular disease. Blood in urine or feces Chronic bad breath Diarrhea Difficulty urinating/defecating Crying out while in the litter box Discharge from eyes or nose Increased appetite or thirst Increased vocalization Loss of appetite Limping or mobility issues Personality changes (such as hiding more often) Reluctance to groom or overgrooming Worms are easily cured with a few doses of medication, but if left untreated, they can cause serious health problems. The most prevalent health concern for Siamese cats is an eye condition. There are also some telltale signs that your cat is experiencing a medical emergency. By keeping your kitty up to date on vet appointments and vaccines, you can help . We've listed the main health problems that can affect Siamese cats, but remember, you'll need to take into account health conditions that can affect the other parent breed . One or both pupils don't respond to light. Mouth and gum disease. Periodontal disease, otherwise known as gum disease, is also common to Siamese cats. Personality changes (such as hiding more often) Reluctance to groom or overgrooming. While most can be suffered by any cat, siamese may be slightly more prone. The Oriental is relatively healthy breed of cat, but he does have some health issues similar to those of his cousin, the Siamese: . Like any cat breed, Siamese cats can become obese, which can lead to health issues like arthritis. The Applehead Siamese cat is the traditional cat of the breed imported initially from Siam (modern-day Thailand). There are a few health issues that are more common to the Flame Point Siamese in comparison other cats. Low. A Siamese cat has served as a mascot for the 1985 Southeast Asian Games, and the 1995 Southeast Asian Games. Now, I know the lure of big blue eyes might be enough to sucker you into a 15-20 year sentence, but it's important that you're happy so your bundle of kitty will be. Dental. Unable to stand upright or walk normally. In recent decades, these felines have become very popular as pets largely due to their remarkable physical beauty and temperate behavior. A cat needs two X chromosomes to be a Calico. Aside from becoming unforgettable in the classic Lady and the Tramp film, these cats are unmistakeable with their light coats and dark . 1. Common health issues among flame point Siamese cats may include pica, arthritis, hyperesthesia and hip dysplasia. Health issues specifically common to the Flame Point Siamese: 1. Not drinking. Convergent strabismus is the term that medical professionals use to describe crossed eyes. Amyloidosis, which is a disease of the liver, is something to watch out for in Siamese cats. Siamese cats are creatures of habit. Hip dysplasia 3. Siamese cats have a gene that causes temperature-reactive albinism which can result in orange fur and various orange shade combinations. However, without proper health monitoring and nourishment, they might acquire several health problems.

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health problems with siamese cats